Overcome Any Challenge with Powerful Fighting Quotes - page 99

A mature artist is at the same time aware of the futility of his achievement and the validity of the pursuit.
A mature artist is at the same time aware of the futility of his achievement and the validity of the pursuit.
 Jean Helion
...You have to accept yourself, who you are. You don't believe. You still fight who you are. Until you accept yourself, until you believe, you won't be able to call forth your Han, your power, except in great anger.
 Terry Goodkind
Why don't church leaders forbid Catholics from joining the military with the same fervor they tell Catholics to stay away from abortion clinics?
 William Blum
Only we, the public, can force our representatives to reverse their abdication of the war powers that the Constitution gives exclusively to the Congress.
 Daniel Ellsberg
Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes.
I was told I would be back in 90 days. If I listened to people, I would be back where I came from - the penitentiary.
 Bernard Hopkins
Most of my life, I read what is said on IMDB. The fans on the Raw is War board make the most sense of any Internet fan, apart from the one or two that create second accounts to bash me. Keep the board alive-uh. Paul Levesque
Freedom battles are not fought without paying heavy prices.
Scotland is my country, the nation that shaped me, that taught me my values. A nation whose achievements inspired and inspire me, a community whose failings drive me - drive my overwhelming desire to fight for social justice and equality.
 Johann Lamont
If we replaced all of our guns with chicken sandwiches it would end all war immediately.
If we replaced all of our guns with chicken sandwiches it would end all war immediately.
 Thom Yorke
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.
I've been through it all, baby, I'm mother courage.
 Elizabeth Taylor
The business of America is not business. Neither is it war. The business of america is justice and securing the blessings of liberty.
 George Will
You can't stay in one place. If you stay in one place you die. So you have to move forward.
 Rick Owens
Our goal in Iraq is victory. Our goal is for a young democracy to be able to sustain itself, govern itself, and defend itself and serve as an ally in the war on terror.
I've done a bit of live action before but the fight sequences, the wire work and the physical regime were taken to another level [ in Doctor Strange].
 Benedict Cumberbatch
In every contest, there comes a moment that separates winning from losing. The true warrior understands and seizes that moment.
 Pat Riley
No one can hurry me down to Hades before my time, but if a man's hour is come, be he brave or be he coward, there is no escape for him when he has once been born.
You can\'t be stuck if you\'re not trying to get anywhere. Which, to me, means that when you stop fighting with the way things are, magic happens. You relax, open, and any action you take comes from alignment with what\'s true.
You can't be stuck if you're not trying to get anywhere. Which, to me, means that when you stop fighting with the way things are, magic happens. You relax, open, and any action you take comes from alignment with what's true.
 Geneen Roth
The true warrior isn't immune to fear. She fights in spite of it.
 Francesca Lia Block