Overcome Any Challenge with Powerful Fighting Quotes - page 120

For an enemy so relentless in the war for our subjugation, we could not be expected to mourn; yet, in view of its political consequences, it could not be regarded otherwise than as a great misfortune for the South.
For an enemy so relentless in the war for our subjugation, we could not be expected to mourn; yet, in view of its political consequences, it could not be regarded otherwise than as a great misfortune for the South.
 Jefferson Davis
This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.
 Elmer Davis
We have to go massively, like we did in the first Gulf War where we destroyed Saddam's ability to take Kuwait. We need to have a coalition that will stand for nothing less than the total destruction of ISIS and we have to be the leader.
 John Kasich
A prince ought to have two fears, one from within, on account of his subjects, the other from without, on account of external powers.
Let the warriors clamor after gods of blood and thunder; love is hard, harder than steel and thrice as cruel.
 Jacqueline Carey
Optimism is a tool with a certain clear set of benefits: it fights depression, it promotes achievement and produces better health.
 Martin Seligman
When Monarchs abuse the rights with which they have been invested by the confidence of the people, and bring down upon their heads the calamity of war, the people have the right to withdraw their allegiance.
The backside of a mountain is a fight against human nature. You have to care as much about yourself on the way down as you did on the way up.
We are in a new Civil War, and just like the last, it is a struggle for the sanctity of the Union - and it's hardly civil.
 Allen West
These doomsday warriors look no more like soldiers than the soldiers of the Second World War looked like conquistadors. The more expert they become the more they look like lab assistants in small colleges
These doomsday warriors look no more like soldiers than the soldiers of the Second World War looked like conquistadors. The more expert they become the more they look like lab assistants in small colleges
 Alistair Cooke
When you look fear in the face, you are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.'
Realistically speaking, Ayn Rand should not have opposed the antidraft movement and supported the Vietnam War effort - in effect, she supported military conscription.
 Murray Bookchin
A constant struggle, a ceaseless battle to bring success from inhospitable surroundings, is the price of all great achievements.
 Orison Swett Marden
There are no greater treasures than the highest human qualities such as compassion, courage and hope. Not even tragic accident or disaster can destroy such treasures of the heart.
 Daisaku Ikeda
Peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice, of law, of order —in short, of government.
The 21st century will not be about the battle between capitalism and socialism but between the forces of progress and the forces of conservatism.
Neither reproaches nor encouragements are able to revive a faith that is waning.
 Nathalie Sarraute
My strength has now been reduced to the equivalent of 36 squadrons...we should be able to carry on the war single-handed for some time if not indefinitely.
 Hugh Dowding, 1st Baron Dowding
Get Julian Jackson in here baby!...Julian Jackson, winner take all baby, that\'s all I gotta say, winner take all! Arghhh!
Get Julian Jackson in here baby!...Julian Jackson, winner take all baby, that's all I gotta say, winner take all! Arghhh!
 James Toney
Let us go forth with fear and courage and rage to save the world.
 Grace Paley