Overcome Any Challenge with Powerful Fighting Quotes - page 12

The existence of the soldier, next to capital punishment, is the most grievous vestige of barbarism which survives among men.
The existence of the soldier, next to capital punishment, is the most grievous vestige of barbarism which survives among men.
 Alfred de Vigny
He who wants to succeed should learn how to fight, to strive and to suffer. You can acquire a lot in life, if you are prepared to give up a lot to get it.
I have a ridiculous amount of confidence of protecting myself, but along with that confidence comes the ability that you don't need to fight.
 Sean Faris
It's good to be challenged, to keep moving forward, and keep being inspired and scared. I feel like, if you're not afraid of something, you shouldn't do it. If you're just coasting through things, what's the point? You're not learning.
 Nina Dobrev
What may look like a small act of courage is courage nevertheless. The important thing is to be willing to take a step forward.
 Daisaku Ikeda
Real suffering bravely borne, melts even a heart of stone. Such is the potency of suffering. And there lies the key to Satyagraha.
Jane Austen can in fact get more drama out of morality than most other writers can get from shipwreck, battle, murder, or mayhem.
 Ronald Blythe
Satan has declared war on motherhood. He knows that those who rock the cradle can rock his earthly empire. And he knows that without righteous mothers loving and leading the next generation, the Kingdom of God will fail.
 Sheri L. Dew
A tribe, let us say, is warlike. The successes for which it strives, the achievements upon which it sets store, are connected with fighting and victory.
Free speech is a great idea, but were in a war.
Free speech is a great idea, but were in a war.
 Lindsey Graham
Let nature do the freezing and frightening and isolating in this world. let men work and love and fight it off.
I sat down in the sand, breathless with shame and failure. God, I thought, some defender of the weak. Some freedom fighter: Joan of Arc in sunscreen.
Where I come from, being a hard man is being able to take a good beating and then get back up again and carry on fighting.
 Mickey Rourke
Timothy McVeigh was a coward. Violence is the stupid way out. It'll discredit any real legitmate movement.
 Glenn Beck
Look at the Civil Rights Movement. Look at any kind of fight for change. People had to keep fighting and taking their rights. Rights are never given to you. They have to be fought for and they have to be taken.
 Jehane Noujaim
We all have to work in our respective spheres with the same dedication, the same zeal and the same determination which inspired and motivated the warrior on the battle front. And this has to be shown not by mere words, but by actual deeds.
 Lal Bahadur Shastri
There seems to be three ways for a nation to acquire wealth: the first is by war...this is robbery; the second by commerce, which is generally cheating; the third by agriculture, the only honest way.
When someone asks if you're a god, you say YES!
 Ernie Hudson
Not trying is the surest way of achieving nothing at all.
Not trying is the surest way of achieving nothing at all.
It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.
 Ansel Adams