Overcome Any Challenge with Powerful Fighting Quotes - page 107

Mother, whose heart hung humble as a button the bright splendid shroud of your son, Do not weep. War is kind.
Mother, whose heart hung humble as a button the bright splendid shroud of your son, Do not weep. War is kind.
 Stephen Crane
We live in a media soup and are constantly being programmed or are fighting that programming. Thus any truthful account of a life, every part of a life, is about society as well as an individual.
 Marge Piercy
Everybody saying Guerrero, I'll really turn your ass into a real ghost.
 Adrien Broner
In Rio de Janeiro, every cop has to make a choice. He either turns dirty, keeps his mouth shut, or goes to war.
 Jose Padilha
Having courage does not mean that we are unafraid. Having courage and showing courage mean we face our fears. We are able to say, 'I have fallen, but I will get up.'
The Olympics have been with the world since 776 B.C., and have only been interrupted by war, especially in the modern era.
 Bill Toomey
The secret to happiness...be satisfied and be grateful.
Alright, he's chucking his toys out the basket and Gary Shaw has a big mouth and shouts a lot.
 Joe Calzaghe
Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.
Always keep the mind cheerful. Everyone will die once. Cowards suffer the pangs of death again and again, solely due to the fear in their own minds.
Always keep the mind cheerful. Everyone will die once. Cowards suffer the pangs of death again and again, solely due to the fear in their own minds.
The fact that my mother was on television every week while I was young was occasionally awkward, and often frustrating.
 Sophie Ellis Bextor
This is what he knew that Paul didn't: the world was precarious and sometimes cruel. He'd had to fight hard to achieve what Paul simply took for granted.
 Kim Edwards
For me, the Asian financial crisis of 1998 and the war in Kosovo in 1999 are the prelude to the integral accident.
 Paul Virilio
If these hands, used to fighting, would be acceptable to His Holiness, we most thankfully dedicate them to the service of him who deserves so well of the Church and of the fatherland.
 Giuseppe Garibaldi
Coordinating our efforts and sharing information and expertise is a great way to step up our fight against violent criminals. We are determined to make Ontario communities safer for law abiding citizens.
 Julian Fantino
Awards are meaningless to me, and I have nothing but disdain for anyone who actively campaigns to get one.
 Bill Murray
Revisiting the Revolutionary War is a bracing reminder that the fate of a continent, and the shape of the modern world, turned on the free choices of remarkably few Americans defying an empire.
 George Will
Ordinary people have an extremely important role to play in fighting climate change. Not only can you make your home more energy efficient, drive less, and eat more local food - you can also tell your leaders to take climate action.
 Frances Beinecke
I considered the prevention of war as the test of our security policy; in addition to being able to rapidly and forcefully end any war forced upon us.
I considered the prevention of war as the test of our security policy; in addition to being able to rapidly and forcefully end any war forced upon us.
 Yitzhak Rabin
A belly laugh increases the ability of your immune system to fight infections.
 Elizabeth Taylor