Everything I see, I now see ...

Everything I see, I now see through a mother's eyes.
 Jennifer Hudson

Quotes from the same author

My mother was a very wise and strong person.
 Jennifer Hudson
I try to do everything to say, 'OK, will my mother like this? Will she be pleased? Will she be proud of that? How do I know she's happy and she's smiling down at me from heaven?' And that's what I try to go by and walk by.
 Jennifer Hudson
I think to each its own, if nobody is hurting anybody-who cares? Everyone should be able to do what they want and be happy. Who you love is who you love. That's the way I see it
 Jennifer Hudson
It can be a real struggle to accept that sometimes appearance can be more important than talent or intelligence.
 Jennifer Hudson
You have to accept the plan and realize that if you slip, and you might, you can’t use that as a reason to give up or stop.
 Jennifer Hudson