Even if abortion were made ...

Even if abortion were made easy or painless for everyone, it wouldn't change the bottom-line problem that abortion kills children.
 Randy Alcorn

Quotes from the same author

Teach your children gratefulness. Do all you can to deliver them from our culture's poisonous entitlement mentality.
 Randy Alcorn
Sin and death and suffering and war and poverty are not natural—they are the devastating results of our rebellion against God. We long for a return to Paradise—a perfect world, without the corruption of sin, where God walks with us and talks with us in the cool of the day.
 Randy Alcorn
Statistics show that a soldier's chances of survival in the front lines of combat are greater than the chances of an unborn child avoiding abortion. What should be the safest place to live in America - a mother's womb - is now the most dangerous place.
 Randy Alcorn
Compassion for the mother is extremely important, but is never served through destroying the innocent.
 Randy Alcorn
But isn't it wrong to be motivated by reward? No, it isn't. If it were wrong, Christ wouldn't offer it to us a motivation.
 Randy Alcorn