Energy quotes - page 44

A fascinating challenge facing today\'s environmental movement is how to best approach the reversal of past decisions that altered once-pristine environmental spaces for the sake of urgent man-made needs.
A fascinating challenge facing today's environmental movement is how to best approach the reversal of past decisions that altered once-pristine environmental spaces for the sake of urgent man-made needs.
 Matt Gonzalez
You think when you don't want to do anything. Thinking is a poor alternative to acting. Your thinking is consuming all your energy. Act, don't think!
 U.G. Krishnamurti
Our dependence on foreign energy sources is our Achilles heel, not just in the realm of diplomacy, but in terms of our future as the world's economic leader.
 Judy Biggert
Observe the silence between your thoughts, actions, reactions, and you will feel the presence of spirit in the stillness of those spaces.
I would play a long tone on my accordion, or I'd sing one, and I would note how it felt - what it did with my mental space. These were meditations that I did.
 Pauline Oliveros
It seems possible to give a preliminary definition of walking as a space of enunciation.
 Michel de Certeau
Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind...what we sow is what we reap.
I'm outgoing. I like being social. But when I think I should be quiet, I am. And I don't think quiet is the right word. Respectful is more accurate. I want to be respectful of people and their space.?
 Jose Bautista
Every great movement and which the conservative movement is, of course, every great movement ends up being a little bit sclerotic and dusty after a time and I think they need new fusion of energy.
 Kellyanne Conway
Since money is energy, our financial affairs tend to reflect how our life energy is moving. When your creative energy is flowing freely, often your finances are as well. If your energy is blocked, your money does too.
Since money is energy, our financial affairs tend to reflect how our life energy is moving. When your creative energy is flowing freely, often your finances are as well. If your energy is blocked, your money does too.
 Shakti Gawain
Sometimes all you’ve accomplished by the end of the day is to have maneuvered your body through space without grave incident.
 Hilary Thayer Hamann
The soul that is the abode of chastity acquires an energy which enables her to surmount with ease the obstacles that lie along the path of duty.
 Joseph Joubert
There is perhaps no better a demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world.
Obviously the world is moving away from high carbon energy to low carbon energy, and eventually moving away toward renewable energy. So it is in the interest of Africa to move towards that, because that's where the world is moving.
 Wangari Maathai
You can never underestimate the amount of energy and frequency you must give to vision casting. You can never underestimate it.
 Bill Hybels
The space industry is developing and delivering benefits that tie into our immediate needs and priorities here on Earth-for example, medical and materials research, and satellite communications.
 Marc Garneau
We know, from ordinary life, that we are not able to direct our attention perfectly steadily and uniformly to one and the same object... At times the attention turns towards the object most intensely, and at times the energy flags.
 Wilhelm Wundt
My motivation to keep hiking was rooted in the magnificent details of the Appalachian Mountains, and the more I poured myself out - the more energy I gave the trail - the more it gave me in return.
 Jennifer Pharr Davis
When you\'re interviewing someone, even your mother - you have to sort of deal with you have to get some objective space from yourself and the person but you also have to find what\'s the best way to get the information from that person.
When you're interviewing someone, even your mother - you have to sort of deal with you have to get some objective space from yourself and the person but you also have to find what's the best way to get the information from that person.
 James McBride
To save energy, New York City is now dimming the lights of the skyscrapers and the skyline at night. There's a bad side to this. If you need Batman, you have to text him.