Energy quotes - page 42

Everything we do is infused with the energy with which we do it.
Everything we do is infused with the energy with which we do it.
I think if you have a really big, heavy person, there's a feeling of an invisible puppeteer jerking them around in space. They don't feel like they are moving themselves.
 Brad Bird
It's our intention. Our intention is everything. Nothing happens on this planet without it. Not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention.
 Jim Carrey
We are dominated on this planet by a fear-based rather than a love-based thought system. Enlightenment involves relinquishing the thought system based on fear and instead accepting a thought system based on love.
I think we can say our energy system will be the most efficient and environmentally friendly in the world.
 Angela Merkel
I will bring our energy companies back. They'll be able to compete. They'll make money. They'll pay off our national debt. They'll pay off our tremendous budget deficits, which are tremendous.
The time was fast approaching when Earth, like all mothers, must say farewell to her children.
 Arthur C. Clarke
Claim the possibility of a miraculous shift toward global transformation, allow the thought to move through you like a wave of energy, then emerge ready for the task of doing your part to make it happen.
We are born into a box of time and space. We use words and communication to break out of it and to reach out to others.
If nothing once, you nothing lose,
For when you die you are the same; 
The space between is but an hour, 
The frail duration of a flower.
If nothing once, you nothing lose, For when you die you are the same; The space between is but an hour, The frail duration of a flower.
 Philip Freneau
The body is living art. Your movement through time and space is art. A painter has brushes. You have your body.
 Anna Halprin
I have witnessed the tremendous energy of the masses. On this foundation it is possible to accomplish any task whatsoever.
 Mao Zedong
Life solves its problems with well-adapted designs, life-friendly chemistry and smart material and energy use.
 Janine Benyus
Find a space where you can be creative and a place where you are open for free thinking, you want to enjoy what you are doing and do what you are best at.
 David Karp
India was a late comer to industrialization, and as such, we have contributed very little to the accumulation of greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. But we are determined to be part of the solution to the problem.
 Manmohan Singh
After you free yourself from the incredible expectations of love through the media from the time you were so high, you realise that it's the spaces between the notes that make music.
 Hector Elizondo
Never before in the history of the planet have so many people, on their own, had the ability to find so much information about so many things and about so many other people.
 Thomas Friedman
Anger was a waste of time and energy. Anger was useless."Anger" was the label given to the emotion that accomplished nothing.
 Barry Lyga
As a director, I hoped that I was able to help the actors by giving them the space and the respect they need and the trust. I gave them what I always felt I needed when I was working.
As a director, I hoped that I was able to help the actors by giving them the space and the respect they need and the trust. I gave them what I always felt I needed when I was working.
When we know deep down that we're acting with integrity despite impulses to do otherwise, we feel gates of higher energy and inspiration open inside of us.
 Dan Millman