Energy quotes - page 39

If mankind\'s greatest achievement is to produce more spaces for mankind to live in, I do not think I am so impressed.
If mankind's greatest achievement is to produce more spaces for mankind to live in, I do not think I am so impressed.
 Sharon Shinn
If we could convert 0.03 percent of the sunlight that falls on the earth into energy, we could meet all of our projected needs for 2030.
 Ray Kurzweil
Patience is the training in abiding with the restlessness of our energy and letting things evolve at their own speed.
True healing comes from owning and accepting all of life's energies within ourselves....When they are allowed to be expressed, they take their places as important facets of our nature. There is no split between 'good' and 'bad.'
 Shakti Gawain
By 2030 the demand for resources will create a crisis with dire consequences. Demand for food and energy will jump 50% by 2030 and for fresh water by 30%, as the population tops 8.3 billion
 John Beddington
If you want to be a real entrepreneur you have to be the cause, you have to be the creator of someone else's new realty. Which eliminates time, space, motion, and friction.
 Ashton Kutcher
Failure is more frequently from want of energy than want of capital.
 Daniel Webster
The Divine is constantly waiting at your doorstep to move in if only you allow the necessary space.
 Jaggi Vasudev
You need a lot of energy to get a novel finished. You need an ability to ignore everyone around you. It's why I don't read my reviews any more. I know a lot of people say that, but I really don't read them.
 Maggie O'Farrell
Planets move in ellipses with the Sun at one focus.
Planets move in ellipses with the Sun at one focus.
 Johannes Kepler
...with what we spent in Iraq we could build nuclear power plants and space solar power satellites and tell the Arabs to drink their oil.
 Jerry Pournelle
We cannot possibly let ourselves get frozen into regarding everyone we do not know as an absolute stranger.
If you can learn to motivate yourself, you can always tap into an abundance of energy that will drive you to the success you dream of.
 Rachael Bermingham
I can't point to any major episodes of sexual discrimination in my early life. But I was so aware of the crime, the shame that there was no use of my mother's ability and energy.
 Betty Friedan
I just always thought, I love acting and I love writing. And when I haven't got any more good breath and good energy, then I'll write.
 Frank Langella
No, I think most astronauts recognize that the space shuttle program is very high-risk, and are prepared for accidents.
 Sally Ride
He just rubs people up the wrong way in a short space of time and, after he'd gone, one of the South African coaches there said to me in a thick Bok accent 'You see, Richard, what we have to put up with?'
 Richard Loe
When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence: Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter.
It takes far less energy to move from first-rate performance to excellence than it does to move from incompetence to mediocrity.
It takes far less energy to move from first-rate performance to excellence than it does to move from incompetence to mediocrity.
In the past, it was only in science fiction novels that you could read about ordinary people being able to go to space... But you laid the foundation for space tourism.
 Nursultan Nazarbayev