Energy quotes - page 34

I\'ve never even been into those supplements or any of that. I don\'t even drink energy shakes. I\'m not into that kind of stuff. You just get me an In-N-Out burger and some Popeye\'s fried chicken and I\'m straight.
I've never even been into those supplements or any of that. I don't even drink energy shakes. I'm not into that kind of stuff. You just get me an In-N-Out burger and some Popeye's fried chicken and I'm straight.
 Paul Pierce
Every generation has the obligation to free men's minds for a look at new worlds . . . to look out from a higher plateau than the last generation.
 Ellison Onizuka
I think you always have to find where the boundary is in relation to the context in order to be able to kind of articulate how you want the space to interact with the viewer.
 Richard Serra
There is sorrow in finitude. The Self is beyond time, space and objects. It is infinite and hence of the nature of absolute happiness.
 Adi Shankara
Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness.
When I was little, I had this science book. There was a section on 'What would happen to the world if there was no friction?' Answer: 'Everything on earth would fly into space from the centrifugal force of revolution.' That was my mood.
Many of us squander precious natural resources -time, creative energy, emotion- comparing our talents to those of others. Today ask Spirit to call forth your authentic gifts, so that you might know them, acknowledge them, and own them.
 Sarah Ban Breathnach
As soon as you acknowledge that we're changing the planet on this scale, that it has very potentially massive repercussions and very damaging repercussions, then the next question is okay, what are we going to do about it?
 Elizabeth Kolbert
Journalism: an ability to meet the challenge of filling the space.
 Rebecca West
The spaces I want to be in are nurturing and soft and saturated with color. Our cities don\'t have enough of that, and as humans we need it.
The spaces I want to be in are nurturing and soft and saturated with color. Our cities don't have enough of that, and as humans we need it.
 Janet Echelman
It's like coming back to the womb. I'm coming back to my mum and it's wonderful to see her. It's the best space in the world. If it wasn't for this place I don't know what I'd have done with my life.
 Pete Postlethwaite
We shouldn't be saying 'Save the planet'; we should be saying: 'Save viable conditions in which people can live.' That's what we're dealing with here.
The price of apparent happiness and enjoyment is the neglect of the spontaneous active energies of the acting members.
 Wilhelm von Humboldt
If you take 2001: A Space Odyssey as an example of somebody who creates a new language in film by what he was able to accomplish with art direction, photography, lighting, etc., it is still a gold standard for science fiction.
 Matthew Modine
It's not that I disagreed with Bush's economic policy... I believed he was a child of Satan here to destroy the planet.
 Bill Hicks
We should be moving vigorously towards renewable energy. The technology of which is right here right now.
 Josh Fox
I travel, work, suffer my weak health, meet with a thousand difficulties, but all these are nothing, for this world is so small. To me, space is an imperceptible object, as I am accustomed to dwell in eternity.
 Frances Xavier Cabrini
You should draw not what the thing looks like, not even what it is, but what it is doing... Gesture has no precise edges, no forms. The forms are in the act of changing. Gesture is movement in space.
 Kimon Nicolaides
The deepest satisfaction of writing is precisely that it opens up new spaces within us of which we were not aware before we started to write. To write is to embark on a journey whose final destination we do not know.
The deepest satisfaction of writing is precisely that it opens up new spaces within us of which we were not aware before we started to write. To write is to embark on a journey whose final destination we do not know.
Take a moment to gather your thoughts about your situation and ask, "What would Love do?" Then channel that energy in your words and actions.
 Doreen Virtue