Energy quotes - page 32

When we have peace, then we have a chance to save the planet. But if we are not united in peace, if we do not practice mindful consumption, we cannot save our planet.
When we have peace, then we have a chance to save the planet. But if we are not united in peace, if we do not practice mindful consumption, we cannot save our planet.
On the other hand, I have devoted so much energy to reach the top that I accept the stress of being there.
 Placido Domingo
Linking financial element to energy consumption I think has a huge role if you think about a display instrument that could teach us about what we are using, how much it costs us, how much it is saving, and therefore change our decisions.
 Dan Ariely
The way through the challenge is to get still and ask yourself, 'What is the next right move? What is the next right move?' and then, from that space, make the next right move and the next right move.
Instead of trying to understand agriculture in its own terms, acknowledge that agriculture ultimately comes out of nature. Right now agriculture is the No. 1 threat to biodiversity on the planet.
 Wes Jackson
The city of London, within the walls, occupies a space of only 370 acres, and is but the hundred and fortieth part of the extent covered by the whole metropolis
 Henry Mayhew
The balanced energy of patience radiates a friendly and productive attitude from our hearts into every aspect of our existence.
 Tarthang Tulku
Freedom released the energies of the masses not by exhilarating but by unbalancing, irritating, and goading.
More than once my mother would point out: "Harry Belafonte is the best-looking man on the planet.
 Harry Belafonte
I think you get better at staring into space. Especially living in the South of France.
I think you get better at staring into space. Especially living in the South of France.
 Adrian Lyne
I predict the future of this earthly human race is that having made a mess of Earth they'll move to outer space.
 Leonard Nimoy
We simply must balance our demand for energy with our rapidly shrinking resources. By acting now we can control our future instead of letting the future control us.
If you don't eat right and you don't know how to take care of your body, you're not going to have the energy to do anything wonderful.
I'm very moved by chaos theory, and that sense of energy. That quantum physics. We don't really, in Hindu tradition, have a father figure of a God. It's about cosmic energy, a little spark of which is inside every individual as the soul.
 Bharati Mukherjee
...the global surface albedo [surface whiteness] and greenhouse gas changes account for practically the entire global climate change.
 James Hansen
Your energy and the ability to energize others is more valuable than your time.
 Bill Hybels
There is no free society without silence, without the internal and external spaces of solitude in which the individual freedom can develop.
 Herbert Marcuse
I started Transcendental Meditation in 1973 and have not missed a single meditation ever since. Twice a day, every day. It has given me effortless access to unlimited reserves of energy, creativity and happiness deep within.
I was really into Space Invaders in about 1978. It got me more and more interested in video games. There wasn\'t any media to get information about games, so I came up with Game Freak magazine.
I was really into Space Invaders in about 1978. It got me more and more interested in video games. There wasn't any media to get information about games, so I came up with Game Freak magazine.
 Satoshi Tajiri
I've often been accused of spending more time and energy criticizing my fellow Democrats than criticizing Republicans.
 Mickey Kaus