Energy quotes - page 18

To be authentic is literally to be your own author... to discover your own native energies and desires, and then to find your own way of acting on them.
To be authentic is literally to be your own author... to discover your own native energies and desires, and then to find your own way of acting on them.
 Warren G. Bennis
We always thought the living Earth was a thing of beauty. It isn’t. Life has had to learn to defend itself against the planet’s random geological savagery.
 Arthur C. Clarke
I wonder which was more frightened among old tribes -- those bursting out of their darkness of woods upon all the space of light, or those from the open tiptoeing into the forests.
What you're trying to do when you write is to crowd the reader out of his own space and occupy it with yours, in a good cause. You're trying to take over his sensibility and deliver an experience that moves from mere information.
 Robert Stone
Put three grains of sand inside a vast cathedral, and the cathedral will be more closely packed with sand than space is with stars.
 James Jeans
I want people to go into space, to orbit around the world a few times, even to stay there for 24 hours and then come back to where they took off. And I also want people with a low income to be able to do that, not only rich people.
 Buzz Aldrin
Once you've grown up in space, moving on means moving out, not going back to Earth. Nobody wants to be a groundpounder.
 Gregory Benford
I really appreciate Frank Ocean's lyrical style, I appreciate the way that he can kind of draw you into this personal space, but it's still lyrical. It's almost poetic, in a way, but it's very personal at the same time.
 Alicia Keys
I don’t abstract from anything.…I am involved with real space, the room itself, real light, and real surface.
 Robert Ryman
And everything stopped quite rapidly because I knew that nobody in Europe was able to go to space. It was the privilege of being either American or Russian.
And everything stopped quite rapidly because I knew that nobody in Europe was able to go to space. It was the privilege of being either American or Russian.
 Philippe Perrin
Fear is a big reason. Ultra achievers don't have an attitude for overcoming fear. They just do it anyway, because they're okay with being afraid. Instead of putting energy into reducing fear, they confront it with action.
 Rory Vaden
The most moral activity of all is the creation of space for life to move around.
 Robert M. Pirsig
For seventeenth-century astronomers, the Epicurean doctrine of multiple worlds separated by void space was seen to fit with the new Copernican system in which every star was a sun, and the universe was a vast place with no centre.
 Catherine Wilson
I feel as if they are somewhere between movement and stillness, and thus in possession of a certain energy.
 Claire Morgan
I remember when I first came to America and I saw posters for TV shows and I was like, "What?! Why does a television show deserve space on a billboard?
 Jamie Bell
The real friends of the space voyager are the stars. Their friendly, familiar patterns are constant companions, unchanging, out there.
 Jim Lovell
I realize that when I moved out of my father’s house I shocked and frightened him because I needed a room of my own, a space of my own to reinvent myself.
 Sandra Cisneros
Usually, sprinting is my main source of energy and recovery time because that's how I move.
 Nonito Donaire
Now and then, someone is able to look at an empty space, conclude it would be a great place to start a revolution, and bravely go forward.
Now and then, someone is able to look at an empty space, conclude it would be a great place to start a revolution, and bravely go forward.
It's frightening that skepticism has to be a movement, because you're just arguing that reality is reality. What a waste of energy, in a way.
 Graham Linehan