Energy quotes - page 16

We are not going to stop here on planet Earth. We\'re going to move out to other planetary bodies.
We are not going to stop here on planet Earth. We're going to move out to other planetary bodies.
 Peter Diamandis
Unless action is taken soon - unless we can display the same vision of that earlier period - we will lose the treasure of California's open space and environmental beauty.
 Adam Schiff
As an elder of the Americas and of the rest of the planet, it is my responsibility to care for and protect, to the best of my ability, the young.
Then during the mission itself, I used the space shuttle's robot arm to release a satellite into orbit.
 Sally Ride
Giving the reader the space to move around and be active, and encourage their active response is important to me. That will connect the reader more to the text.
 Leni Zumas
I'm claustrophobic. I can't go into haunted houses. They have these tight, dark, enclosed space. I freak out. That's my phobia. It gets me out of stuff. Someone asks me to do something and I tell them I can't because I'm claustrophobic.
 Mark Consuelos
Each one of us has to work hard to achieve our collective dream for a healthier planet.
 Yaya Toure
As you meditate, you will find that consciousness itself will move you beyond time and space and condition into a larger, vaster, more beautiful state of awareness.
Bayern Munich are probably the standout team on the planet.
 Michael Owen
I don\'t want to be one of those players that is just a first, second or third down player. I want to be a four-down player, able to play in the ground and dirt with the linemen, but also able to play in space.
I don't want to be one of those players that is just a first, second or third down player. I want to be a four-down player, able to play in the ground and dirt with the linemen, but also able to play in space.
 Justin Cole
You can find more traditional Shakespeare than we do. But what we want to bring to these works is energy, passion, freshness.
 John Bradshaw
We seldom stop to think that we are still creatures of the sea, able to leave it only because, from birth to death, we wear the water-filled space suits of our skins.
 Arthur C. Clarke
Roman influence seeds itself, sprouting mighty oaks right through the modern forest of computers, digital disks, microviruses and space satellites.
Make space in your life for the things that matter, for family and friends, love and generosity, fun and joy. Without this, you will burn out in mid-career and wonder where your life went.
 Jonathan Sacks
Saturn is the most photogenic planet in the solar system.
 Carolyn Porco
Well, I have my own article on where the heck is global warming?...The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't.
 Kevin E. Trenberth
The kundalini energy rests in potential at the base of the spine. It is possible to take that energy and allow it to move, to unleash it, from the base of the spine up to the third eye.
Future generations should feel proud of our accomplishments in space...We are destined to explore and colonize the universe.
 Robert McCall
Ah, Beloved. Of all the things I must bid farewell to, you are the most difficult to lose. Forgive me that I have avoided you. Better, perhaps, that we make a space between us and become accustomed to it before fate forces that upon us.
Ah, Beloved. Of all the things I must bid farewell to, you are the most difficult to lose. Forgive me that I have avoided you. Better, perhaps, that we make a space between us and become accustomed to it before fate forces that upon us.
 Robin Hobb
One of the most important factors, not only in military matters but in life as a whole, is ... the ability to direct one's whole energies towards the fulfillment of a particular task.
 Erwin Rommel