Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 96

Set a new standard. Change reality. Break ground to something new and different. That achievement will live forever just because you WERE somebody special!
Set a new standard. Change reality. Break ground to something new and different. That achievement will live forever just because you WERE somebody special!
 Gerry Lindgren
A healthy sweat comes from being passionate and throwing yourself into your workout. And again, it's achieving that intensity. I always like to say 'It's not how long, it's how strong'.
 Jackie Warner
The government can't solve every problem, but an enlightened government can make sure that people can work hard for their dreams and achieve them.
Talent is the infinite capacity for taking pains. Genius is the infinite capacity for achievement without taking any pains at all.
 Helene Hanff
There has been failure, particularly with the effort to protect our coast and our marsh. And that was the biggest topic of discussion in a very frank meeting we had with the president.
 Bobby Jindal
Affirming others isn't 'flattering' them-it's when you genuinely and consistently acknowledge their efforts and accomplishments, both large and small. Make affirmation a habit and watch what happens!
 Leon F. "Lee" Ellis
The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment, and the ego likes to keep it that way, but it is simply your natural state of felt oneness with Being.
I have lived long enough both in years and in accomplishments.
 Julius Caesar
The growth of the mind is the widening of the range of consciousness, and each step forward has been a most painful and laborious achievement.
We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.
We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community... Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.
 Cesar Chavez
A lot of the times I'm looking at something that I discover is part of a larger framework and not just a couple jokes. I see that it's a set, a story that I'll be telling. Sometimes I get lost in that.
 Lewis Black
Chess, like any creative activity, can exist only through the combined efforts of those who have creative talent, and those who have the ability to organize their creative work
 Mikhail Botvinnik
If I was 14 and knew some gay people, I wouldn't nearly have had the struggle I had. Our world is definitely changing.
 Portia de Rossi
And now the matchless deed's achieved, Determined, Dared, and Done.
 Christopher Smart
All personal achievement starts within the mind of the individual-knowing your problem is the first step in finding the solution.
The Neo-Pagan religious framework is based on a polytheistic outlook- a view that allows differing perspectives and ideas to coexist
 Margot Adler
Ambition does not see the earth she treads on: The rock and the herbage are of one substance to her.
 Walter Savage Landor
Well, any effort to maximize your potential and ability is a good thing.
 Daniel Goleman
Life is not all about accomplishment; it\'s all about doing, participating, progressing, growing, learning.
Life is not all about accomplishment; it's all about doing, participating, progressing, growing, learning.
 Mike Hernacki
Moving. Someone said this to me a long time ago, it's bhuddist saying, I think: 'There is no wasted effort'.
 Lauren Graham