Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 86

We have Internet now and people are not stupid. But it seems that some people are trying to push the same agenda of the Cold War of conspiracy theories and amazing achievements that are very easily traced and validated.
We have Internet now and people are not stupid. But it seems that some people are trying to push the same agenda of the Cold War of conspiracy theories and amazing achievements that are very easily traced and validated.
 Bassem Youssef
I think the most moving part of my trip [to Africa] so far was seeing 92-year-old Nelson Mandela, and just thinking about his life. This man has lived through a struggle that few nations have known.
I've read that I flew up the hills and mountains of France. But you don't fly up a hill. You struggle slowly and painfully up a hill, and maybe, if you work very hard, you get to the top ahead of everybody else.
 Lance Armstrong
Oh how sweet it is to hear one's own convictions from another's lips.
Why do people say they wish every day was Friday? If it was always Friday, we'd be here every freakin' day.
 Ed Bernard
Always focus on accomplishments rather than activities.
Great is wisdom; infinite is the value of wisdom. It cannot be exaggerated; it is the highest achievement of man.
No, but I've always felt that with true talent, and a commitment to hard work, it is possible to achieve an enduring respect and appreciation. In other words, I don't take my fans for granted.
 John Fogerty
Take a look at those two open hands of yours. They are tools with which to serve, make friends, and reach out for the best in life. Open hands open the way to achievement put them to work today.
 Wilferd Peterson
Ambition is at the very core of success and extraordinary achievement. Unlike greed, it\'s a powerful, creative and constructive force.
Ambition is at the very core of success and extraordinary achievement. Unlike greed, it's a powerful, creative and constructive force.
The riches of successful entrepreneurs is not the cause of anybody's poverty; it is the consequence of the fact that the consumers are better supplied than they would have been in the absence of the entrepreneur's efforts.
Great achievement always requires great sacrifice.
Some of the most moving experiences I've had are just in black churches in the South, during the Civil Rights Movement, where people were getting beaten, killed, really struggling for the most elementary rights.
Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.
The enemy will not perish of himself. Neither will the Chinese reactionaries nor the aggressive forces of U.S. imperialism in China step down from the stage of history of their own accord.
 Mao Zedong
More and more leaders around the world are joining the struggle. More and more individuals understand that any abuse of any woman is intolerable.
 Asha-Rose Migiro
You earn the right to expect recognition by giving it! It's that simple
 Eric Harvey
The violence engulfing the region today has made too many Israelis ready to abandon the hard work of peace. But let’s be clear: the status quo in the West Bank and Gaza is not sustainable.
I wish I were with some of the wild people that run in the woods, and know nothing about accomplishments!
I wish I were with some of the wild people that run in the woods, and know nothing about accomplishments!
 Joanna Baillie
The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all women of talent and ambition for intellectual achievement.
 Anna Garlin Spencer