Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 85

Those who move forward \
Those who move forward "with a" happy spirit will find that things alwas work out.
Consoling a miserable soul, wiping the tears of a crying person is greater than any worldly achievement.
When you chase a dream, you learn about yourself. You learn your capabilities and limitations, and the value of hard work and persistence.
A child’s greatest achievements are possible in play, achievements that tomorrow will become her basic level of real action.
 Lev S. Vygotsky
It is difficult to feel accomplished when you're not accomplishing something that matters to you. Doing something 'for your own good' is rarely for your own good if it causes you to be less than who you really are.
 Ken Robinson
Place-based initiatives can provide a useful framework to judge our progress in raising people out of poverty. They allow us to see whether or not a neighborhood is improving and its residents are living better.
 Henry Cisneros
We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle.
Humility is constant forgetfulness of one's achievements.
 John Climacus
I love the success of my teammates more than my individual achievements. I've just always cared more about that since I started playing.
There is no achievement without risk.
There is no achievement without risk.
 Gene Kranz
Feminism as a political movement has to specifically address the needs of men in their struggle to revolutionize their consciousness.
You don't need a framework. You need a painting, not a frame.
 Klaus Kinski
We have had such a letter movement on two occasions in Denmark when more than a quarter of the adult Danish population participated. Such an achievement, however, demands a really great effort and also a great deal of money.
 Fredrik Bajer
What a pity human beings can't exchange problems. Everyone knows exactly how to solve the other fellow's.
 Richard Miller
Diversity of opinion within the framework of loyalty to our free society is not only basic to a university but to the entire nation.
 James Bryant Conant
Now is the time...for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement, which in many ways may hold the key to our future on Earth.
There is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others.
 George Shinn
Because reputation lags achievement, we should expect people to reach the zenith of their reputation well past the zenith of their productive output
 Richard Posner
What you are must always displease you, if you would attain to that which you are not.
What you are must always displease you, if you would attain to that which you are not.
I'm glad I did it, partly because it was worth it, but mostly because I shall never have to do it again.