Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 78

At work, you think of the children you have left at home. At home, you think of the work you\'ve left unfinished. Such a struggle is unleashed within yourself. Your heart is rent.
At work, you think of the children you have left at home. At home, you think of the work you've left unfinished. Such a struggle is unleashed within yourself. Your heart is rent.
 Golda Meir
Our duty, as men and women, is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist. We are collaborators in creation.
 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
I miss that sensation of a small achievement feeling like a really big deal.
 Gavin DeGraw
Knowledge and achievements matter little if we do not yet know how to touch the heart of another and be touched.
 Jack Kornfield
For this present, hard Is the fortune of the bard, Born out of time; All his accomplishment, From Nature's utmost treasure spent, Booteth not him.
The public, too, has to make an effort in order to understand the writer who, though he renounce complacent obscurity, cannot always express his new-hidden thoughts lucidly and according to accepted models.
I was the kind nobody thought could make it. I had a funny Boston accent. I couldn't pronounce my R's. I wasn't a beauty.
 Barbara Walters
The big elephant sitting in the corner is that George W. Bush is simply unqualified for the job. What's his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?
 Ron Reagan
The works which this man [Joseph Banks] leaves behind him occupy a few pages only; their importance is not greatly superior to their extent; and yet his name will shine out with lustre in the history of the sciences.
 Georges Cuvier
So if you aspire to be a good conversationali st, be an attentive listener. To be interesting, be interested. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments
So if you aspire to be a good conversationali st, be an attentive listener. To be interesting, be interested. Ask questions that other persons will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their accomplishments
It is not wealth one asks for, but just enough to preserve one's dignity, to work unhampered, to be generous, frank and independent.
I think the whole mission of being here on Earth is to accept what you have, and my journey was to accept my own life and not pretend anything else. I think that's what we all struggle with.
 Michael Nyqvist
Proving I'm a good mother is the one achievement I'm most proud of. It's brought out the best in me.
 Sheena Easton
The process of achievement comes through repeated failures and the constant struggle to climb to a higher level.
By success, of course, I do not mean that you may become rich, famous, or powerful for that does not, of necessity, represent achievement. Indeed, not infrequently, such individuals represent pathetic failure as persons.
Little things affect little minds.
Today, we are on a path of decay. We are seeing the book close on five decades of accomplishment as the leader in human space exploration.
 Gene Cernan
Overachievers don't think reasonably, sensibly, or rationally.
 John Eliot
The academy gave me a grounding in discipline and hard work that has sustained me throughout my life, and the lessons I learned there I now try to impress on young people.
The academy gave me a grounding in discipline and hard work that has sustained me throughout my life, and the lessons I learned there I now try to impress on young people.
 Georg Solti
Take pride in what you do. The kind of pride I'm talking about is not the arrogant puffed-up kind; it's just the whole idea of caring - fiercely caring
 Red Auerbach