Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 62

Hustling is putting every minute and all your effort into achieving the goal at hand.
Hustling is putting every minute and all your effort into achieving the goal at hand.
 Gary Vaynerchuk
This is what America is about when it comes to understanding that it is equal opportunity versus equal achievement. Each and every one of us has the opportunity for greatness in this country.
 Allen West
In the end, the extent of our own success will be measured by the accomplishments we have helped create in others.
 Greg Reid
And we will all go together when we go. What a comforting fact that is to know. Universal bereavement, An inspiring achievement, Yes, we will all go together when we go.
 Tom Lehrer
Love is not easy. All great religions postulate love as one of the greatest accomplishments. If it were that easy, or as easy as most people think, certainly, the great religious leaders would have been rather naive.
Good work, like good talk or any other form of worthwhile human relationship, depends upon being able to assume an extended shared world.
 Stefan Collini
Teamwork is the ability to work as a group toward a common vision, even if that vision becomes extremely blurry.
Ministers of God's choosing are engaged in a great work. They are warring not merely against men, but Satan and his angels.
 Ellen G. White
Love opens the doors into everything, as far as I can see, including and perhaps most of all, the door into one's own secret, and often terrible and frightening, real self.
 May Sarton
Strength lies in differences, not in similarities
Strength lies in differences, not in similarities
If you're smart, you abandon the things that didn't work out so well, and you enlarge upon the things that seem to be successful.
 John Baldessari
People can do great things. However, there are some things they just CAN'T do. I, for instance, have not been able to transform myself into a Popsicle, despite years of effort.
 Brandon Sanderson
If we hope to live not just from moment to moment, but in true consciousness of our existence, then our greatest need and most difficult achievement is to find meaning in our lives.
 Bruno Bettelheim
If you wake up for a moment and look around at life, you will observe that nothing here lasts, nothing works out. There are no happy endings. All accomplishments are washed away by death or by the next moment.
Real change isn't measured with words, it is measured with real achievements.
I find that the more I do the more ability the Almighty gives me.
 Daniel H. Wells
People pretend not to like grapes when the vines are too high for them to reach
 Marguerite de Navarre
Movie acting may not have a certain kind of glory as true art, but it is damn hard work.
 William Holden
Hard work certainly goes a long way. These days a lot of people work hard, so you have to make sure you work even harder and really dedicate yourself to what you are doing and setting out to achieve.
Hard work certainly goes a long way. These days a lot of people work hard, so you have to make sure you work even harder and really dedicate yourself to what you are doing and setting out to achieve.
 Lakshmi Mittal
I can change. I can live out of my imagination instead of my memory. I can tie myself to my limitless potential instead of my limiting past