Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 53

We are more than what we do... much more than what we accomplish... far more than what we possess.
We are more than what we do... much more than what we accomplish... far more than what we possess.
 William Arthur Ward
The main substantive achievement of neoliberalism has been to redistribute rather than to generate wealth and income.
 David Harvey
Blessedness consists in the accomplishment of our desires, and in our having only regular desires.
I beg You, O my God, to be my life, my ship, my haven. You have made me ascend the cross of Your Son and I struggle to accept it as best I can. I am sure that I shall never come down from it.
 Pio of Pietrelcina
Attempt easy tasks as if they were difficult, and difficult as if they were easy; in the one case that confidence may not fall asleep, in the other that it may not be dismayed.
 Baltasar Gracian
Every day, each of us makes a multitude of choices that will impact our lives...the quality of our choices will dictate whether we will struggle in frustration or live an extraordinary life--the life of our dreams.
 Debbie Ford
For the first time in 15 years, Georgia this winter has its electric power guaranteed without deficit. This is a historic achievement.
 Mikhail Saakashvili
You will find men who want to be carried on the shoulders of others, who think that the world owes them a living. They don't seem to see that we must all lift together and pull together.
Always work harder than other people are willing to work. Sweat more, endure more pain, and then reap the rewards of success and achievement.
 Robert Cheeke
My crazy\'s working a lot better than your sanity.
My crazy's working a lot better than your sanity.
 Gini Koch
A good style should show no signs of effort. What is written should seem a happy accident.
Almost everyone does just enough to get by. Those who achieve spectacular success also do enough to get by; then they add a little bit of extra effort. That little bit of extra effort makes an enormous difference.
 Ralph Marston
I do think we know that a teacher who knows what he or she is doing, knows their subject matter, and knows how to impart knowledge to kids is a critical piece of closing the achievement gap.
 Margaret Spellings
You need teamwork to achieve real success, and that attitude comes straight from soccer.
 Matt Bahr
Why should self-indulgent nonsense - whatever its professed political orientation - be lauded as the height of scholarly achievement?
 Alan Sokal
Check out not to become a man or woman of achievement, but instead seek to become a particular person of price.
I'm fighting against my will to control. I think that is what I am doing. I would like to accept things in life, in all matters of life I would like to accept, but it's so difficult. I think we all have this struggle.
 Lars von Trier
Inspiring others to do better work is the accomplishment of a leader.
We strain hardest for things which are almost but not quite within our reach.
We strain hardest for things which are almost but not quite within our reach.
 Frederick William Faber
The development of the food industry for both domestic and export markets relies on a regulatory framework that both protects the consumer and assures fair trading practices in food.
 Gro Harlem Brundtland