Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 39

Don’t join an easy crowd; you won’t grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high.
Don’t join an easy crowd; you won’t grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high.
I hope that all of us who were fortunate enough to have benefited will put our time, our resources and our efforts into making sure that kids, particularly kids without means, have a way to achieve.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights... stands as a landmark achievement in the history of human liberty.
We cannot rest and sit down lest we rust and decay. Health is maintained only through work. And as it is with all life so it is with science. We are always struggling from the relative to the absolute.
 Max Planck
First steps are always the hardest but until they are taken the notion of progress remains only a notion and not an achievement.
In the Seventies and Eighties we all had our fun, and now and then we went really too far. But, ultimately, it required a certain amount of clear thinking, a lot of hard work and good make-up to be accepted as a freak.
 Grace Jones
We are free when our actions emanate from our total personality, when they express it, when they resemble it in the indefinable way a work of art sometimes does the artist.
 Henri Bergson
The Lord is the accomplishment of everything good that I think, feel and do.
 John of Kronstadt
One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team.
 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
Our best presidents have really combined domestic leadership with heroic achievements in foreign affairs or war.
Our best presidents have really combined domestic leadership with heroic achievements in foreign affairs or war.
 Allan Lichtman
For me acting is pretending. It's illuminating my human struggle - trying to grow and have the courage to be filmed while figuring things out.
 Sherilyn Fenn
When mental sickness increases until it reaches the danger point, do not exhaust yourself by efforts to trace back to original causes. Better accept them as inevitable and save your strength to fight against the effects.
 George Sand
I am not convinced that either the position, rewards or achievements have been worth the cost. My personal and married life and child raising have surely suffered from the professional attainments I have achieved.
 Joanne Simpson
For unflagging interest and enjoyment, a household of children, if things go reasonably well, certainly all other forms of success and achievement lose their importance by comparison.
All the great captains have performed vast achievements by conforming with the rules of art--by adjusting efforts to obstacles.
Not the maker of plans and promises, but rather the one who offers faithful service in small matters. This is the person who is most likely to achieve what is good and lasting.
No institution which does not continually test its ideals, techniques and measure of accomplishment can claim real vitality.
It makes me upset, if not angry, when people assume that there can be no morality without a religious framework. If there's a moral framework without all that religious stuff, it's more valuable.
 Jane Asher
Success can corrupt; usefulness can only exalt.
Success can corrupt; usefulness can only exalt.
 Dimitris Mitropoulos
The Paralympic movement has given me a lifetime of joy and accomplishment but really, the pleasure has been all mine. I've loved every single moment and continue to be involved.
 Tim Frick