Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 32

I grew up in a Jewish family, and we have raised our children in a Jewish tradition. Religion gives a framework for moral enquiry in young minds and points us to questions beyond the material.
I grew up in a Jewish family, and we have raised our children in a Jewish tradition. Religion gives a framework for moral enquiry in young minds and points us to questions beyond the material.
 Michael Sandel
There comes a turning point in intense physical struggle where one abandons oneself to a profligate usage of strength and bodily resource, ignoring the costs until the struggle is over. Women find this point in childbirth; men in battle.
 Diana Gabaldon
My best advice: Fall in love with what you do for a living.
 George Burns
The great achievements of the past were the adventures of the past. Only the adventurous can understand the greatness of the past.
Imagination is the source of all human achievement.
 Ken Robinson
Scientific achievements seem evanescent, because the very progress of science causes their supersedure; yet some of them are of so fundamental a nature that they are immortal in a deeper way.
 George Sarton
Most writers want to share their essay or book much too quickly. Those who accept the pain of hard work and revising are those who get published.
 Lee Gutkind
We are what we do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act,  but a habit.
The most direct and practical method of self-development is to achieve yourself by your own effort.
 Hua Ching Ni
Being a father has been, without a doubt, my greatest source of achievement, pride and inspiration. Fatherhood has taught me about unconditional love, reinforced the importance of giving back and taught me how to be a better person.
Being a father has been, without a doubt, my greatest source of achievement, pride and inspiration. Fatherhood has taught me about unconditional love, reinforced the importance of giving back and taught me how to be a better person.
 Naveen Jain
My best advice is to work out with a buddy. They keep you motivated and get you out of bed.
 Heidi Klum
People often resist change for reasons that make good sense to them, even if those reasons don't correspond to organizational goals. So it is crucial to recognize, reward, and celebrate accomplishments.
 Rosabeth Moss Kanter
He that rises after his falls, with confidence in God and profound humility of heart, will become, in God's hands, a proper instrument for the accomplishment of great things; but he who acts otherwise can never do any good.
 Paul of the Cross
Man can acquire accomplishments or he can become an animal, whichever he wants. God makes the animals, man makes himself.
 Georg C. Lichtenberg
My proudest accomplishment was that I never dropped a bomb, fired a bullet, or shot a missile.
The only weapon I had was my dancing. With that I fought like a general without an army. If I could have saved all the energy I wasted on my struggle it would have sufficed me to cover a dozen ballets.
 Maya Plisetskaya
It is only the cynicism that is born of success that is penetrating and valid.
 George Jean Nathan
You can be a good mom and still work out, get your rest, have a career - or not. My mother encouraged me to find that balance.
Perhaps evil is the crucible of goodness... and perhaps even Satan - Satan, in spite of himself - somehow serves to work out the will of God.
Perhaps evil is the crucible of goodness... and perhaps even Satan - Satan, in spite of himself - somehow serves to work out the will of God.
 William Peter Blatty
How presumptuous they had both been never to consider growing old as an achievement and a challenge. Aging was something they'd both wanted so much to avoid.
 Cecelia Ahern