Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 25

You are a trophy of God\'s grace. He has future accomplishments with your name written on them.
You are a trophy of God's grace. He has future accomplishments with your name written on them.
 Derwin L. Gray
The imagination is the liberty of the mind It is intrpeid and eager and the extreme of its achievement lies in abstraction.
 Wallace Stevens
Your beliefs and perceptions determine the boudaries of your world.
 Al Duncan
Compassionate action involves working with ourselves as much as working with others.
Have confidence in your ability to do it right, and work hard to do the best possible job.
Without virtue, and without integrity, the finest talents and the most brilliant accomplishments can never gain the respect, and conciliate the esteem, of the truly valuable part of mankind.
Willingness opens the doors to knowledge, direction, and achievement. Be willing to know, be willing to do, be willing to create a positive result. Be willing, especially, to follow your dream.
 Peter McWilliams
My complaint with Dr Singh is that he sometimes does not highlight his achievements enough.
 Sonia Gandhi
So anyway, I've learned a lot about myself just in terms of acting but just work ethic and interesting things like full-page monologues or talking straight into camera, which I had never gotten to do before.
 Emma Stone
Varied are the ideas of what constitutes \
Varied are the ideas of what constitutes "success," e.g. money, position, power, achievement, honours, and the like. But these are not open to every man-nor do they bring what is real success, namely, happiness.
 Robert Baden-Powell
I honor, we honor the service of John McCain, and I respect his many accomplishments, even if he chooses to deny mine. My differences with him are not personal; they are with the policies he has proposed in this campaign.
What gets measured gets managed.
No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helped you.
 Althea Gibson
The laws against public nudity make no sense. The idea that Jerry Falwell can go topless while Cindy Crawford cannot is an absolute affront to logic, common sense and the 5000 year human struggle for aesthetic taste.
 Peter McWilliams
There is no shortcut to achievement.
 George Washington Carver
The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions.
After a loss like this we just have to go back and work harder. We got outplayed and that's all there is to it. You have to let it go, move on and just work harder.
 Peyton Manning
Homosexuals in Russia live in peace, work, are promoted, receive national awards for their achievements in science, art or any other sphere, medals are awarded to them, I have awarded them myself.
Little strokes fell great oaks.
Little strokes fell great oaks.
A virtuous, ordinary life, striving for wisdom but never far from folly, is achievement enough.