Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 23

Everyone enjoys doing the kind of work for which he is best suited.
Everyone enjoys doing the kind of work for which he is best suited.
The victory of democracy in South Africa is the common achievement of all humanity.
Our actions are the results of our intentions and our intelligence.
 E. Stanley Jones
Mistakes are the byproduct of action - and thus an accurate gauge of effort.
 Terry Rossio
I've got a theory that if you give 100% all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.
 Larry Bird
Victory is much more meaningful when it comes not just from one person, but from the joint achievements of many.
 Howard Schultz
We are seeing smarter philanthropy, more philanthropy, and that's true world wide. So it's kind of a movement that has a lot of accomplishments, even though as a percentage of the economy, it's still only a few per cent.
I really don`t look at my life as being an accomplishment. I`m just very thankful for what I`ve been given.
 Tiffani Thiessen
What's more important than the media, there's this thing called ObamaCare, which was President Obama's signature domestic achievement. It won Republicans the House in 2014 - 2010. It won Republicans the Senate in 2014.
 William Kristol
On occasions when u feel most hopeless, u must take powerful effort. We must persist in face of failure.
On occasions when u feel most hopeless, u must take powerful effort. We must persist in face of failure.
Happiness is not a tangible thing, it's a byproduct - a byproduct of achievement.
 Ray Kroc
The test of a successful person is not an ability to eliminate all problems before they arise, but to meet and work out difficulties when they do arise.
 David J. Schwartz
The longer you are in acting business, the more you cherish the times when you're working with people that do great work, and can figure out how to enjoy themselves while they're doing the great work.
 Scott Bakula
If you dont see me on tour, its because I have found happiness away from winning, and that might be the biggest achievement I could ever accomplish.
 Andy Irons
People sometimes attribute my success to my genius; all the genius I know anything about is hard work.
This was a splendid life. Splendid in its obscurity and humility, splendid in its strength and charity, splendid in its achievements.
 Robert Mortimer
The idea that war should be conducted within a moral framework may seem like a quaint medieval practice, but as speech separates humans from the apes, so morality separates civilisation from the barbarians.
 Eric Corley
I do think that this whole area of cyber is something that at an international level we have to work on and develop frameworks and international norms so that we don't see a cyber arms race.
You cannot be to wedded to your past accomplishments.
You cannot be to wedded to your past accomplishments.
 Mark Schaefer
The underlying purpose of all art is to create patterns of imagery which somehow convey a sense of life set in a framework of order ... all great art ... harmonises consciousness with the ego-transcending Self.
 Christopher Booker