Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 22

I\'m not under too much of an illusion of how smart or un-smart I am because filmmaking ultimately is about teamwork.
I'm not under too much of an illusion of how smart or un-smart I am because filmmaking ultimately is about teamwork.
 Guy Ritchie
Judge Samuel Alito's accomplishments in life are the embodiment of the American dream.
 Frank Lautenberg
I have no regrets. I don't believe in looking back. What I am proudest of? Working really hard... and achieving as much as I could.
 Elena Kagan
I think that's still what the American Dream means: that with perseverance, with hard work, you can become something, that the classes won't prevent you from becoming, that there's a movement up that ladder with hard work.
 Doris Kearns Goodwin
It's gonna be one of the great achievements of this administration.
I'm a black male, over 40, with no kids, living in the suburbs - they wanted to put me in a museum. Why did I move to the suburbs? I started watching Desperate Housewives. If comedy didn't work out I can always try gardening.
 Alonzo Bodden
There is no accomplishment so easy to acquire as politeness and none more profitable.
The film was fair to his musical achievement and gave him every opportunity to explain himself.
 Martin Bashir
This must be the mission of every man of goodwill: to insist, unflaggingly, at risk of becoming a repetitive bore, but to insist on the achievement of a world in which the mind will have triumphed over violence.
 Leonard Bernstein
The deed is everything, the glory is naught.
The deed is everything, the glory is naught.
The Committee supports the idea that there should be, within the University of California, a campus which puts particular emphasis on the education of undergraduates within the framework of a College system.
 Abraham Robinson
The greatest tragedy in life is not to die, it is to live as if dead, to let the life within us wither. Toward what goal or achievement are we striving in life? This is the important question to ask ourselves.
 Daisaku Ikeda
A remarkable thing about the Silicon Valley culture is that its status structure is so based on technical accomplishment and prowess.
 Jaron Lanier
The biggest accomplishment, in racial terms, for Barack Obama was being elected. He had to overcome his blackness to be elected. He climbed the Mt. Everest of American politics, becoming an historic first.
 Randall Kennedy
Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was.
In getting good results team leaders become conductor rather than driver, enabling others to play the right music, not by hands-on domination of all decisions and execution, but by providing inspiration, motivation and stimulus.
 Robert Heller
There's actually a lot of information on a lot of people and that is a major achievement of a police state.
 Elliott Colla
On a personal level, I don't have many individual achievements.
 Eddie Lacy
Art is a framework, a kind of living trellis, on which public dreaming can shape itself.
Art is a framework, a kind of living trellis, on which public dreaming can shape itself.
 Elizabeth Janeway
The framework of the artist's ideas is clearly only that which he is forever seeking for universality, and must be far wider than the framework of the ideals of the patriot.
 Sean O Faolain