Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 182

In Japan, mothers insist on achievement and accomplishment as a sign of love and respect. Thus to fail places children in a highly shamed situation.
In Japan, mothers insist on achievement and accomplishment as a sign of love and respect. Thus to fail places children in a highly shamed situation.
 Michael Lewis
The work of the individual still remains the spark that moves mankind forward.
 Igor Sikorsky
The sincere effort to accept and promote the human values - Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Non-Violence and Love. These five values are a essential for a full and worthwhile life as the five vital airs or pranas mentioned in the scriptures.
So shall I fight, so shall I tread, In this long war beneath the stars; So shall a glory wreathe my head, So shall I faint and show the scars, Until this case, this clogging mould, Be smithied all to kingly gold.
 John Masefield
I never imagined it wouldn't work out for me. I had that absolute certainty in myself that has seen me through, I think, and my parents were absolutely behind me all the way.
 Ewan McGregor
I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!
 Dr. Seuss
Short is the life of those who possess great accomplishments, and seldom do they reach a good old age. Whatever thou lovest, pray that thou mayest not set too high a value on it.
We all obsess about what we are doing and accomplishing. What if we let it go and simply made the way we live our lives our accomplishment?
 Maria Shriver
What I do is not some magical, mystical thing. I simply get up in the morning, get to work on time, say my lines, and do the best I can
 Parker Stevenson
To the optimist, obstacles aare challenges, roadblocks are inspirations, and problems are invitations to achievement.
To the optimist, obstacles aare challenges, roadblocks are inspirations, and problems are invitations to achievement.
 William Arthur Ward
The power of one man or one woman doing the right thing for the right reason, and at the right time, is the greatest influence in our society.
 Jack Kemp
Don't expect anyone to give you anything. If you really believe in something, then fight for it.
 Damon Dash
The first and the best victory is to conquer self.
All truth is an achievement. If you would have truth at its value, go with it.
 Thornton T. Munger
Though we have rightly applauded our ancestors for their spiritual achievements ... those of us who prevail today will have done no small thing.
 Neal A. Maxwell
Working for peace in the future is to work for peace in the present moment.
The Cold War was really the great struggle of the 20th Century and it shaped American political life from top to bottom.
 Jeff Sharlet
Getting in shape for this role, which is incredibly demanding, vocally, has been a lot of hard work, but I'm nailing it. I'm even kind of, at times, blowing my own mind, because I am even able to talk right now.
 David Hasselhoff
The nuclear weapons were not useful for the achievement of political objectives.
The nuclear weapons were not useful for the achievement of political objectives.
 Henry A. Kissinger
You've got to get your mind connected to the workout. Pay attention to what your body's doing. It's about connecting mind and the body. Visualize the muscles moving.
 Michael Cudlitz