Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 178

Anyone who takes a seat in the Bundestag does so within a Europeanized constitutional framework.
Anyone who takes a seat in the Bundestag does so within a Europeanized constitutional framework.
 Udo Di Fabio
Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness
 Abdul Kalam
The challenge of education is not to prepare a person for success, but to prepare him for failure.
 James Stockdale
Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.
Of all the achievements of the human mind, the birth of the alphabet is the most momentous.
 Frederic Goudy
My mother was the influence in my life. She was strong; she had great faith in the ultimate triumph of justice and hard work. She believed passionately in education.
 John H. Johnson
Inspiration comes only to those who seek it with humility toward their own achievements and reverence toward the achievements of God.
 Walter Russell
We are in a new Civil War, and just like the last, it is a struggle for the sanctity of the Union - and it's hardly civil.
 Allen West
What an extraordinary achievement for a civilization: to have developed the one diet that reliably makes its people sick!
 Michael Pollan
I was born. It was easy. My mother did all the hard work.
I was born. It was easy. My mother did all the hard work.
 Katie MacAlister
No library of American business achievement is complete without the story of Arthur G. Gaston. . . . Black Titan is a long overdue contribution to the recording of not just black history, but American history.
 Earl G. Graves, Sr.
Only Love conceives things worthy enough to stand greater than individual accomplishment.
 Vanna Bonta
The generation which lived through the Second World War is disappearing. Post-war generations see Europe's great achievements - liberty, peace and prosperity - as a given.
 Jan Peter Balkenende
Artists are not going to put somebody new in the president's chair. It's all worth the effort; it all needs to be done. But I don't look at songwriting as having the ability to necessarily do that today.
 Jakob Dylan
Turnin' nothin' into somethin' is God work, and you get nothin' without struggle and hard work
Barring serious accidents, if you are not preoccupied with worry and you work hard, you can look forward to a reasonably lengthy existence.... Its not the hard work that kills, its the worrying that kills.
In all teaching there must be a fusion of authority as an adult providing a stable framework for the children in one's care, and humility as another human being ready to educate an equal who may turn out to be a superior.
 Yehudi Menuhin
Adaptability is not imitation. It means power of resistance and assimilation.
Those who truly have the spirit of champions are never wholly happy with an easy win. Half the satisfaction stems from knowing that it was the time and the effort you invested that led to your high achievement.
Those who truly have the spirit of champions are never wholly happy with an easy win. Half the satisfaction stems from knowing that it was the time and the effort you invested that led to your high achievement.
 Nicole Haislett
The United States has become great because we, as a people, have been able to work together for great objectives even while differing about details.