Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 173

There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.
There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.
The greatest of all the accomplishments of 20th century science has been the discovery of human ignorance
 Lewis Thomas
I gained a great appreciation for what I would call the collective achievement of the country. I began thinking of America as a much more just and humane place than I would have thought if I'd been covering the civil rights struggle.
 Charles Kuralt
I tend to approach things from a physics framework. And physics teaches you to reason from first principles rather than by analogy.
If there was any one achievement, it would be that we've have done it on our own terms.
 Alex Lifeson
The union miner cannot agree to the acceptance of a wage principle which will permit his annual earnings and his living standards to be determined by the hungriest unfortunates whom the non-union operators can employ.
 John L. Lewis
Achievement without fulfillment "High achievement without fulfillment is a broken way of life.
 Al Duncan
Every achiever that I have ever met says, 'My life turned around when I began to believe in me'.
 Robert H. Schuller
I don't have a clue about the way to achievement, however the way to disappointment is attempting to please everyone.
Don’t be in a rush to get big. Be in a rush to have a great product.
Don’t be in a rush to get big. Be in a rush to have a great product.
 Eric Ries
Until women learn to want economic independence, and until they work out a way to get this independence without denying themselves the joys of love and motherhood, it seems to me feminism has no roots.
 Crystal Eastman
Achievements of life are momentary, but realizations are longer lasting.
 Avtarjeet Singh Dhanjal
I knew I was crazy because I was watching Jesus Christ Superstar and the part where Jesus carries the cross up the mountain, I actually said to myself, "Wow! That must be a really good workout! Yeah, because you're doing arms and cardio!
 Margaret Cho
My greatest accomplishment is receiving my role on "The Guiding Light".
 Brittany Snow
The pursuit of perfection prevents achievement of the satisfactory.
 George Will
Sometimes legends find themselves remembered more for what they have not done than for their accomplishments. But those resume gaps can also help drive them to achieve even greater things in new arenas.
 Don Yaeger
Begin - to begin is half the work, let half still remain; again begin this, and thou wilt have finished.
I believe the ability to think is blessed. If you can think about a situation, you can deal with it. The big struggle is to keep your head clear enough to think.
 Richard Pryor
No decision has been made unless carrying it out in specific steps has become someone\'s work assignment and responsibility.
No decision has been made unless carrying it out in specific steps has become someone's work assignment and responsibility.
Remember, it goes beyond reducing WIP. Being able to take needless work out of the system is more important than being able to put more work into the system.
 Gene Kim