Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 169

Only man is not content to leave things as they are but must always be changing them, and when he has done so, is seldom satisfied with the result.
Only man is not content to leave things as they are but must always be changing them, and when he has done so, is seldom satisfied with the result.
 Elspeth Huxley
We stand, as it were, on the shore, and see multitudes of our fellow beings struggling in the water, stretching forth their arms, sinking, drowning, and we are powerless to assist them.
 Felix Adler
A great many people who spend their time mourning over the brevity of life could make it seem longer if they did a little more work.
 Don Marquis
The entrepreneurial life is one of challenge, work, dedication, perseverance, exhilaration, agony, accomplishment, failure, sacrifice, control, powerlessness…but ultimately, extraordinary satisfaction.
 David S. Rose
I'm not guaranteeing that if you work hard you'll be able to duplicate my success. But in America, if you work hard, you just might. I'm a perfect example of that.
 Terry Crews
There is no short cut to a place worth going.
 Beverly Sills
Spectacular achievements come from unspectacular preparation.
 Roger Staubach
My daughter is my biggest achievement. She is a little star and my life has changed so much for the better since she came along.
 Denise Van Outen
The struggle of the male to learn to listen to and respect his own intuitive, inner prompting is the greatest challenge of all. His conditioning has been so powerful that it has all but destroyed his ability to be self-aware.
 Herb Goldberg
Failure to deliver a deal in Hong Kong is just not acceptable, ... There must be an intensification of the efforts.
Failure to deliver a deal in Hong Kong is just not acceptable, ... There must be an intensification of the efforts.
 Trevor Manuel
You make the best products you can, and you grow as fast as you deserve to.
 David Ogilvy
All of us perform better and more willingly when we know why we're doing what we have been told or asked to do.
Ethics is not for wimps. It's not easy being a good person. That's why it's such a lofty goal and an admirable achievement
 Michael Josephson
The older I get the less I see spirituality as an accomplishment. It seems to me to be mostly a matter of letting go and being willing to receive the special gifts God desires to give to us in His timing.
 Michael Card
Mentally it is possible to break records, once you understand that, you can do anything.
Remember that life is not measured in hours but in accomplishments.
 James Pike
The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.
 Harry Golden
Some of us are becoming the men we wanted to marry.
Reading is the way out of ignorance, and the road to achievement.
Reading is the way out of ignorance, and the road to achievement.
 Benjamin Carson
Governments must take on the central role of creating an investment climate across Africa that supports enterprise and the role of the private sector and provides a clear and predictable economic policy framework for business to succeed.
 Jeroen van der Veer