Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 166

If our web be framed with rotten handles, when our loom is well nigh done, our work is new to begin. God send the weaver true prentices again, and let them be denizens.
If our web be framed with rotten handles, when our loom is well nigh done, our work is new to begin. God send the weaver true prentices again, and let them be denizens.
 Elizabeth I
Self esteem comes from achievements. Not from lax standards and false praise.
I always turn to the sports pages first, which records people's accomplishments. The front page has nothing but man's failures.
 Earl Warren
When you feel how depressingly slowly you climb, it's well to remember that Things Take Time.
 Piet Pieterszoon Hein
What is success? I think it is a mixture of having a flair for the thing that you are doing; knowing that it is not enough, that you have got to have hard work and a certain sense of purpose.
My father was a watchmaker and an inventor. I saw him working in the house every day. The work ethic, I got from him. He worked hard and he never complained about it.
 Carl Reiner
I was born pretty lucky, an Aryan Australian, friendly girl, that gives you a lot of advantages in the world. I was unaware of people's fights or struggles for equality. I was really naive.
 Sia Furler
The joy of surmounting obstacles which once seemed unremovable, and pushing the frontier of accomplishment further — what joy is there like unto it?
Winning peace means the triumph of our pledge to establish, on a democratic basis, a new social framework of tolerance and generosity from which no one will feel excluded.
 Federico Mayor Zaragoza
I don\'t want to be remembered for my tennis accomplishments. That\'s no contribution to society. [Tennis] was purely selfish; that was for me.
I don't want to be remembered for my tennis accomplishments. That's no contribution to society. [Tennis] was purely selfish; that was for me.
 Arthur Ashe
The struggle which is not joyous is the wrong struggle. The joy of the struggle is not hedonism and hilarity, but the sense of purpose, achievement and dignity.
 Germaine Greer
If it is surely the means to the highest end we know, can any work be humble or disgusting? Will it not rather be elevating as a ladder, the means by which we are translated?
It's only through honesty and courage that science can work at all. The Ptolemaic understanding of the solar system was undermined and corrected by the constant pressure of more and more honest reporting.
 Philip Pullman
What turns ordinary people into overachievers is the way they use their minds when they are called on to perform.
 John Eliot
He remembered his mother's love for him, and his family's, and his friends', and the enemy's intention to kill him seemed impossible.
Once you see a child's selfimage begin to improve, you will see significant gains in achievement areas, but even more important, you will see a child who is beginning to enjoy life more.
Great accomplishments start with great aspirations.
 Gary Hamel
Life levels all men. Death reveals the eminent.
When you are so obsessed with identity politics it\'s not healthy because you\'re constantly worried about how you\'re perceived as opposed to your achievements. Once your identity becomes your achievement then you run into serious problems.
When you are so obsessed with identity politics it's not healthy because you're constantly worried about how you're perceived as opposed to your achievements. Once your identity becomes your achievement then you run into serious problems.
 Greg Gutfeld
Thinkers do not accept the inevitable; they turn their efforts toward changing it.
 Paramahansa Yogananda