Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 154

Patience is not a virtue. It is an achievement.
Patience is not a virtue. It is an achievement.
 Vera Nazarian
If acting doesn't work out, I plan to do food photography and just eat my way through the entire world. I'm a big foodie, and if I could make some career out of it, that would be fantastic.
 Jamie Chung
Academic achievement was something I'd always sought as a form of reward. Good grades pleased my parents, good grades pleased my teachers; you got them in order to sew up approval.
 Caroline Knapp
If we are to help heal the world, we need to remember that it is a sacred place. Our actions need to be positive statements, reminders that even in the worst times there is a world worth struggling for.
 Ram Dass
A great accomplishment shouldn't be the end of the road, just the starting point for the next leap forward.
 Harvey Mackay
Patience and persistence are vital qualities in the ultimate successful accomplishment of any worthwhile endeavor.
 Joseph Pilates
I saw a sign at a gas station. It said 'help wanted'. There was another sign below it that said 'self service'. So I hired myself. Then I made myself the boss. I gave myself a raise. I paid myself. Then I quit.
 Steven Wright
Nobody wants to be a lawyer - it's hard work. But it was kind of my academic route.
 Vinny Guadagnino
But here in the struggle for fame and pelf I want to be able to like myself. I don't want to look at myself and know That I'm bluster and buff and empty show.
 Edgar Guest
A successful marriage is not a gift; it is an achievement.
A successful marriage is not a gift; it is an achievement.
 Ann Landers
Many times the difference between your accomplishment and your failure is your attitude.
We need artists to help us come together and share our voices and build community around powerful issues concerning our roles in the world and our planet's survival. Compassion must be translated into action.
 Natasha Mayers
The star player must slay his ego and learn teamwork and communication skills before he can achieve the ultimate in sport
 Walt Frazier
With our work at Kazaa, we began seeing growing broadband connections and more powerful computers and more streaming multimedia, and we saw that the traditional way of communicating by phone no longer made a lot of sense.
 Niklas Zennstrom
I was able to not fold and go in a corner because I had my writing as therapy, but also as my tool for struggle.
 Edwidge Danticat
I feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment. Everything is in tune: the voice, the type of music, who I am and who people think I am.
 Sarah Brightman
Labor is like motherhood to most of our political leaders: a calling so fine and noble that it would be sullied by talk of vulgar, mundane things like pay.
 Barbara Ehrenreich
A man's accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his attention to detail.
 John Foster Dulles
Whatever good I have accomplished as an actress I believe came in direct proportion to my efforts to portray black women who have made positive contributions to my heritage.
Whatever good I have accomplished as an actress I believe came in direct proportion to my efforts to portray black women who have made positive contributions to my heritage.
 Cicely Tyson
Let the end try the man.