Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 141

There are no successes and failures in life, only achievements - stepping stones.
There are no successes and failures in life, only achievements - stepping stones.
 Ian Gardner
Without failure there is no achievement.
Drawing need not be the bones of art, but skill must always be the skeleton of accomplishment.
 Adam Gopnik
To struggle and battle and overcome and absolutely defeat every force designed against us is the only way to achieve.
 Nannie Helen Burroughs
A wish is a desire without energy
 Paramahansa Yogananda
The river moves, but it follows a path. When it tires of one journey, it rubs through some rock to forge a new way. Hard work, but that's its nature.
 Kekla Magoon
I do not equate productivity to happiness. For most people, happiness in life is a massive amount of achievement plus a massive amount of appreciation. And you need both of those things.
 Tim Ferriss
The masculine in each of us struggles for greater freedom and tries to achieve it through financial, creative, or political challenges.
 David Deida
Chess is a sport. The main object in the game of chess remains the achievement of victory.
 Max Euwe
The IWW [Industrial Workers of the World] has been accused of pushing women to the front. This is not true. Rather, the women have not been kept in back, and so they have naturally moved to the front.
The IWW [Industrial Workers of the World] has been accused of pushing women to the front. This is not true. Rather, the women have not been kept in back, and so they have naturally moved to the front.
 Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
We should walk together, work together and progress together. We should move ahead with this mantra.
Every science begins as philosophy and ends as art; it arises in hypothesis and flows into achievement.
 Will Durant
Achievement is by all accounts to a great extent a matter of clinging after others have given up.
 William Feather
I have seen youths bright eyed and fair groping after bubbles in rapture, and conceiving them diamonds and the glitter of fine jewels, until their hand closed over a something that was not to be felt nor longer seen, mere colored air.
 Theodore Dreiser
The key to success is not through achievement, but through enthusiasm.
 Malcolm Forbes
However small you might be, if necessary, struggle against the mountain of evils however big it may be!
Live in robust sanity, in holy obedience to the ordinary." (The Message) "In an insane asylum like the world, simple sanity can be a heroic achievement.
 Peter Kreeft
A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle.
I am almost convinced (quite contrary to opinion I started with) that species are not (it is like confessing a murder) immutable.
I am almost convinced (quite contrary to opinion I started with) that species are not (it is like confessing a murder) immutable.
Tinted Distances is the achievement of a wise and discerning poet.
 Claudia Emerson