Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 134

If I have a good dream and I wake up happy. When I have an idea, I feel happy. Sometimes achievement and relationships can make me happy. I have a son and to see him grow - he\'s 22 now - that makes me happy.
If I have a good dream and I wake up happy. When I have an idea, I feel happy. Sometimes achievement and relationships can make me happy. I have a son and to see him grow - he's 22 now - that makes me happy.
 Michel Gondry
The great achievement of the Catholic Church lay in harmonizing, civilizing the deepest impulses of ordinary, ignorant people.
 Kenneth Clark
There is no man living that can not do more than he thinks he can.
There are two kinds of people; those who are always well and those who are always sick. Most of the evils of the world come from the first sort and most of the achievement from the second.
 Louis Dudek
Our purpose on this earth is not one single event, an accomplishment we can check off a list. There is no test. No passing or failing. There's only us, each moment shaping who we are, into what we will become.
 Cynthia Hand
Bangalore needs a honest, passionate and hard-working MP, and I will be that MP.
 Nandan Nilekani
One quality of leaders and high achievers in every area seems to be a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development.
If we do it, if we work to achieve all this [cultural exchange with Japan], we can and should talk about joint efforts toward ensuring international security, and not only in the Far East.
I have always been more interested in experiment, than in accomplishment.
 Orson Welles
The theory, hypothesis, framework, or background knowledge held by an investigator can strongly influence what is observed.
The theory, hypothesis, framework, or background knowledge held by an investigator can strongly influence what is observed.
 Norwood Russell Hanson
But when you really believe-in yourself, in your dream-you just have to do everything you possibly can to take control and make your vision a reality. No great achievement happens by luck.
 Howard Schultz
Republicans always try to paint Democrats as weak on defense. This time, they can't. After all, Mitt Romney's idea of an overseas accomplishment is sending U.S. jobs there.
 Charles Schumer
Money is multiplied in practical value depending on the number of W's you control in your life: what you do, when you do it, where you do it, and with whom you do it.
 Tim Ferriss
Keep a definite goal of achievement constantly in view. Realize that work well and worthily done makes life truly worth living.
 Grenville Kleiser
If we will maintain our hope and confidence in the genius of our people, they will work out this problem, and their ability and industry will bring us back to normal conditions.
 Frank B. Kellogg
Don’t you think there’s a problem when we live in a society that considers a woman’s greatest accomplishment being pretty for a man?
 Yasmin Mogahed
Mere longevity is a good thing for those who watch Life from the side lines. For those who play the game, an hour may be a year, a single day's work an achievement for eternity.
 Helen Hayes
Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.
 Mark Rippetoe
With the empowerment of an advanced Teacher, and your own best efforts, you will be able to explore the mysteries of knowledge that lead to completion and perfection.
With the empowerment of an advanced Teacher, and your own best efforts, you will be able to explore the mysteries of knowledge that lead to completion and perfection.
Peace won by compromise is usually a short lived achievement.
 Winfield Scott