Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 119

The only thing in your control is effort. That\'s all, and that\'s everything.
The only thing in your control is effort. That's all, and that's everything.
 Mark Cuban
The best way to honor past accomplishments is by building on top of their breakthroughs.
 Bill Johnson
Passion is the driver of achievement in all fields. Some people love doing things they don't feel they're good at. That may be because they underestimate their talents or haven't yet put the work in to develop them.
 Ken Robinson
Attaining even mediocrity is often a struggle.
A powerful programming language is more than just a means for instructing a computer to perform tasks. The language also serves as a framework within which we organize our ideas about processes.
 Hal Abelson
No matter what it is, if you aren't happy striving for it, you won't be happy achieving it.
Excitement is the more practical synonym for happiness, and it is precisely what you should strive to chase. It is the cure-all.
 Tim Ferriss
And so, as they climb the ladder of achievement, I'd simply say, remember what Barbara Bush told those girls at Wellesley: "What happens in your house is more important than what happens in the White House.
 George H. W. Bush
To get what you want, STOP doing what isn't working.
 Earl Warren
If you want something you can have it, but you have to do some work. It\'s the ethic my mother brought me up with.
If you want something you can have it, but you have to do some work. It's the ethic my mother brought me up with.
 Joanne Harris
Success flourishes only in perseverance ceaseless, restless perseverance.
 Manfred von Richthofen
I think that it is a great achievement to put a person on the moon. But to put a person on the earth-that is even more.
 Harrison Salisbury
Monumental achievements by humanity should be done by major organizations as much together as possible.
 Buzz Aldrin
I suspect guys who say, "I just send out for a sandwich for lunch," as lazy men trying to impress me.
 Jimmy Cannon
And also it was a process of, we lifted weights as well, in an effort to train my body to then be able to lift heavier weights when I got in Australia. So that was the first couple of months.
 Brandon Routh
Either Stone Age man was a technological wizard, who carefully removed his technological achievements so as not to upset his inferior progeny, or our population dwindled from a once astronomical size to the mere three billions of today.
 Heinz von Foerster
Business book writing for me is when some set of ideas gets stuck in my mind, I write a book about it. I haven't got a theory and I haven't got a framework.
 Tom Peters
I dealt with legal questions in the interest of Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP and its members during the difficult years of struggle for the victory of the Movement.
 Hans Frank
One is not likely to achieve understanding from the explanation of another.
One is not likely to achieve understanding from the explanation of another.
 Takuan Soho
Motley Crue, collectively and individually, have done things on our own terms.
 Nikki Sixx