Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 117

Whatever you do, do it with all your might. Work at it, early and late, in season and out of season, not leaving a stone unturned, and never deferring for a single hour that which can be done just as well now.
Whatever you do, do it with all your might. Work at it, early and late, in season and out of season, not leaving a stone unturned, and never deferring for a single hour that which can be done just as well now.
 P. T. Barnum
There is a special sadness in achievement, in the knowledge that a long-desired goal has been attained at last, and that life must now be shaped toward new ends.
 Arthur C. Clarke
Let us not cease to do the utmost, that we may incessantly go forward in the way of the Lord; and let us not despair of the smallness of our accomplishments.
One of the most important rules for success is this: Every great success is the result of hundreds and thousands of small efforts and accomplishments that no one sees or appreciates.
My daughter is a good, caring, compassionate person. To me that's the true meaning of success, even though the marriages didn't work out. My success with my daughter is all that matters.
 Charlene Tilton
Science and reason liberate us from the shackles of superstition by offering us a framework for understanding our shared humanity. Ultimately, we all have the capacity to treasure life and enrich the world in incalculable ways.
 Gad Saad
To die with elation is a crappy way of dying... A warrior dies the hard way. His death must struggle to take him. A warrior does not give himself to it.
You don`t build a coalition by insulting our friends or acting like a loose cannon. You do it by putting in the slow, hard work of building relationships.
But unlike Hillary Clinton, I know that flying is an activity, not an accomplishment.
 Carly Fiorina
...it is the greatest achievement of a teacher to enable his students to surpass him.
...it is the greatest achievement of a teacher to enable his students to surpass him.
 John G. Kemeny
Aptitudes are assumed, they should become accomplishments. That is the purpose of all education.
My free will is a paradoxical partner of the power of intention.
Much has been accomplished during the last year in the campaign against terrorism. This struggle will require vigilance, perseverance and sacrifice for many years to come.
 Paul Cellucci
It is arguable that the success of business propaganda in persuading us, for so long, that we are free from propaganda is one of the most significant propaganda achievements of the twentieth century.
 Alex Carey
When I work with countries struggling to pay for budgets or finance trade deficits, I reflect on how Americans do not spend a moment considering the unique advantages of being able to issue bonds and print money freely.
 Robert Zoellick
We will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justly earn. Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to our service.
 Earl Nightingale
Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.
Begin today. Declare out loud to the universe that you are willing to let go of struggle and eager to learn through joy.
 Sarah Ban Breathnach
Falsity cannot keep an idea from being beautiful; there are certain errors of such ingenuity that one could regret their not ranking among the achievements of the human mind.
Falsity cannot keep an idea from being beautiful; there are certain errors of such ingenuity that one could regret their not ranking among the achievements of the human mind.
 Jean Rostand
I die with a joyful heart in the knowledge of our infinite achievements and of a contribution unique in the history that bears my name.