Effort Quotes to Inspire You to Achieve Your Goals - page 105

The imposing edifice of science provides a challenging view of what can be achieved by the accumulation of many small efforts in a steady objective and dedicated search for truth.
The imposing edifice of science provides a challenging view of what can be achieved by the accumulation of many small efforts in a steady objective and dedicated search for truth.
 Charles Hard Townes
Good work instead of long prayers.
 Anne Royall
The hero was distinguished by his achievement; the celebrity by his image or trademark. The hero created himself; the celebrity is created by the media. The hero was a big man; the celebrity is a big name.
 Daniel J. Boorstin
You have to perform at a consistently higher level than others. That's the mark of a true professional.
 Joe Paterno
Carry on. Things will work out. If you keep trying and praying and working, things will work out. They always do. If you want to die at an early age, dwell on the negative. Accentuate the positive, and you’ll be around for a while.
Tell me, why is the media here so negative? Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why?.
 Abdul Kalam
To know a man, observe how he wins his object, rather than how he loses it; for when we fail, our pride supports us - when we succeed, it betrays us.
Ambition is the incentive that makes purpose GREAT and ACHIEVEMENT greater!
 Orison Swett Marden
While tenderness of feeling and susceptibility to generous emotions are accidents of temperament, goodness is an achievement of the will and a quality of the life.
 James Russell Lowell
Do you know the hallmark of the second-rater? It\'s resentment of another man\'s achievement.
Do you know the hallmark of the second-rater? It's resentment of another man's achievement.
To get enough to eat was regarded as an achievement. To get drunk was a victory.
 Brendan Behan
Is there anything in life so disenchanting as achievement?
There is still a lot of hard work that we as a country need to do. They can't look to any one individual, whether it's Barack or it's the next new hope that's going to appear to be that savior.
Success is often the result of taking a misstep in the right direction.
 Al Bernstein
I’m a word freak. I like words. I’ve always compared writing to music. That’s the way I feel about good paragraphs. When it really works, it’s like music.
People don't really understand, but having people stare, and point, and take pictures, even if it is in a positive framework, is quite isolating; there's no two ways about it. You feel a little bit, you know, freakish.
 Emma Watson
Many of us spend half of our time wishing for things we could have if we didn't spend half our time wishing.
 Alexander Woollcott
The only achievement I am really proud of is the friends I have made in this community.
 Gary Cooper
The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them.
The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them.
For me, half the joy of achieving has been the struggle and the fight, the pitting myself against the world and all its competition - and winning.
 Conrad Veidt