Effective leaders help others ...

Effective leaders help others to understand the necessity of change and to accept a common vision of the desired outcome.
Effective leaders help others to understand the necessity of change and to accept a common vision of the desired outcome.
 John P. Kotter

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Courage - a perfect sensibility of the measure of danger, and a mental willingness to endure it.
 William Tecumseh Sherman
I'm a fighter through and through. I don't fear any person and to go inside that ring with a feared mentality, why even go inside the ring?
 Daniel Jacobs
I think there was the studio mentality for a long time that women and girls can relate to a male hero, but boys and men can't relate to a female hero.
 Jennifer Lawrence
Bravery is fearlessness-the absence of fear. The merest dolt may be brave because he lacks the mentality to appreciate his danger.
Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities... because it is the quality which guarantees all others.

Quotes from the same author

Motivation is not a thinking word; it's a feeling word.
 John P. Kotter
Outsiders have the intuitive ability to continually view problems in fresh ways and to identify ineffective practices and traditions.
 John P. Kotter
Motivation and inspiration energize people, not by pushing them in the right direction as control mechanisms do but by satisfying basic human needs for achievement, a sense of belonging, recognition, self-esteem, a feeling of control over one's life, and the ability to live up to one's ideals. Such feelings touch us deeply and elicit a powerful response.
 John P. Kotter
Leaders establish the vision for the future and set the strategy for getting there; they cause change. They motivate and inspire others to go in the right direction and they, along with everyone else, sacrifice to get there.
 John P. Kotter
Producing major change in an organization is not just about signing up one charismatic leader. You need a group - a team - to be able to drive the change. One person, even a terrific charismatic leader, is never strong enough to make all this happen.
 John P. Kotter