Each time a Palestinian or an ...

Each time a Palestinian or an Israeli dies, it is terrible. But they have the right to have a funeral, to be buried, to have a place in the memory of the survivors. And then you have these other places - Darfur, Rwanda, even Colombia - where the dead have no faces and literally cannot be counted. Theirs are minuscule lives moving toward imperceptible deaths. For me, it is the essence of tragedy.
 Bernard-Henri Levy

Quotes from the same author

I don't really believe in dialogue; I am too Nietzschean for that. We need to have a warrior conception of philosophy.
 Bernard-Henri Levy
The Left is my family. And it is threatened by terrible demons, like differentialism. "differentialist Left" are people who have learned nothing about tolerance. Or justice. People who, hiding behind a backward sense of tolerance and justice, explain to us that we must accept all the actions of all civilizations, including the stoning of adulterous wives or the mutilation of little girls.
 Bernard-Henri Levy
The euro is a great achievement. It's a symbolic achievement. But, the European constitution was a missed opportunity.
 Bernard-Henri Levy