Duty quotes - page 71

True luxury is being able to own your time - to be able to take a walk, sit on your porch, read the paper, not take the call, not be compelled by obligation.
True luxury is being able to own your time - to be able to take a walk, sit on your porch, read the paper, not take the call, not be compelled by obligation.
 Ashton Kutcher
No decision has been made unless carrying it out in specific steps has become someone's work assignment and responsibility.
Goddess was made in my home in France. The material retained an integrity whit it would have lost in Los Angeles studio.
 Mick Jagger
Considerable sacrifices were demanded of the inhabitants of the machine in order that purely abstract formal development... might be carried as far as possible.
 Le Corbusier
Dubh is do?" I was incredulous. It was no wonder I hadn't been able to find the stupid word. "Should I be calling pubs poos?" "Dubh is Gaelic, Ms. Lane. Pub is not.
Napoleon affords us an example of the danger of elevating one's self to the absolute, and sacrificing everything to the carrying out of an idea.
I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.
In any country there must be people who have to die. They are the sacrifices any nation has to make to achieve law and order.
 Idi Amin
I have found that the greatest help in meeting any problem with decency and self-respect and whatever courage is demanded, is to know where you yourself stand. That is, to have in words what you believe and are acting from.
 William Faulkner
Integrity is not about the action but its purpose. Are you doing it for everyone\'s wellbeing or for your own benefit?
Integrity is not about the action but its purpose. Are you doing it for everyone's wellbeing or for your own benefit?
 Jaggi Vasudev
Essential to receiving divine forgiveness are personal, individual recognition and acceptance of our Father's mercy, made available to us by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and a renewed covenant to obey the principles of the gospel.
 Ronald E. Poelman
The impossible often has a kind of integrity which the merely improbable lacks.
I'm not attempting to be a role model but I accept that roles I've played put me in that position. I don't feel a huge responsibility as an actress to put my young fan base first.
 Anne Hathaway
The emphasis has been on rights, not responsibilities. When it comes to piecing together the fragments of broken lives, we have tended to place the entire burden on the state and its agencies.
 Jonathan Sacks
How far should one accept the rules of the society in which one lives? To put it another way: at what point does conformity become corruption? Only by answering such questions does the conscience truly define itself.
 Kenneth Tynan
Anything that endures over time sacrifices its ability to make an impression.
 Robert Musil
In those days, the main requirement to be on the Food Network was being able to get there by subway.
 Bobby Flay
Freedom of expression comes with responsibilities, especially when it comes with serious implications for peace.
 Mohammed Morsi
If you will make the sacrifices now that most people aren\'t willing to make, later on you will be able to live as those folks will never be able to live.
If you will make the sacrifices now that most people aren't willing to make, later on you will be able to live as those folks will never be able to live.
 Dave Ramsey
The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It needs no furlough and is never considered a foreigner.
 William Cameron Townsend