Duty quotes - page 7

The Great Commission is the Great Adventure of Christianity.
The Great Commission is the Great Adventure of Christianity.
 Ron Luce
[Moral responsibilities] has nothing particular to do with academia, except insofar as those within it tend to be unusually privileged in the respects just mentioned.
I want to show what hard work and dedication and sacrifice can achieve.
 Tito Ortiz
Serve God with integrity, and if you achieve no success, at least no sin will lie upon your conscience.
A woman must combine the role of mother, wife and politician.
 Emma Bonino
The republic I fell in love with, the republic I risked my life to defend, the values I hold dear, the integrity that we all share - these do not know prejudice and they do not accept partiality.
 Allen West
Set your expectations high; find men and women whose integrity and values you respect; get their agreement on a course of action; and give them your ultimate trust.
 John F. Akers
When the cartoonist is trying to talk honestly and seriously about life, then I believe he has a responsibility to think beyond satisfying the market's every whim and desire.
 Bill Watterson
The Fuhrer alone is the present and future German reality and its law. Learn to know ever more deeply: from now on every single thing demands decision, and every action responsibility.
 Martin Heidegger
Vote to protect your family. Vote for honesty, integrity, and accountability.
Vote to protect your family. Vote for honesty, integrity, and accountability.
We empower ourselves every time we accept responsibility for choosing the thoughts and feelings we act on.
 Karan Casey
Crime is rampant. We even steal away from responsibility.
 Andre Brie
What a curious phenomenon it is that you can get men to die for the liberty of the world who will not make the little sacrifice that is needed to free themselves from their own individual bondage.
 Bruce Barton
I'm very responsible. And with ability you have to have responsibility. I'm not perfect. But you have to make sure that your children will know that daddy makes mistakes.
 R. Kelly
Lust is about satisfaction. Love is about sacrificing, serving, surrendering, sharing, supporting, and even suffering for others. Most love songs are actually lust songs.
Are you calling me your gift?" "Yes." She smiled. "How do you feel about that?" "Like it's my turn to be unwrapped." He nibbled at her mouth. "Do it slow.
 Nalini Singh
Walk where your heart leads you, there are no restrictions and no burdens.
 Gao Xingjian
There's something magical about putting yourself into life. You've got to stand up and take responsibility for your own life and you cannot abandon that.
 Bill Kurtis
Black power got to moving so fast that we miscalculated the fallout. I certainly have to take some of the responsibility of that; but there was no way we anticipated the response.
Black power got to moving so fast that we miscalculated the fallout. I certainly have to take some of the responsibility of that; but there was no way we anticipated the response.
 Cleveland Sellers
In a democracy, the individual enjoys not only the ultimate power but carries the ultimate responsibility.
 Norman Cousins