Duty quotes - page 68

Without freedom, creativity cannot flourish. The right to freedom is crucial to progress in any society; and the context is having a sense of global responsibility.
Without freedom, creativity cannot flourish. The right to freedom is crucial to progress in any society; and the context is having a sense of global responsibility.
What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.
A lot of people don't realize that wrestling is acting; you're playing a role and a part.
 Chris Jericho
My mother's one idea was to sacrifice her life to her children and she had done nothing else since the death of my father. We wished that she had married again instead.
 Peggy Guggenheim
Using awareness, personal responsibility and inner work to review our unskillful or frightened reactions, we become more adept at turning habitual reactions to balanced responses. These moments are very exciting and gratifying.
 John Earle
Shed, as you do your garments, your daily sins, whether of omission or commission, and you will wake a free man, with a new life.
 William Osler
God has given believers the responsibility of spreading the Gospel to all the world, and we need to use all at our disposal to accomplish this task.
 Theodore Epp
If you don't want responsibility, don't sit in the big chair. To be successful, you must accept full responsibility
 Pat Summitt
Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others.
It\'s very eclectic, the way one chooses subjects in the movie business, especially in the commercial movie business. You need to develop material yourself or material is presented to you as an assignment to direct.
It's very eclectic, the way one chooses subjects in the movie business, especially in the commercial movie business. You need to develop material yourself or material is presented to you as an assignment to direct.
 John Frankenheimer
A dream acting role would be Matt Damon in the Bourne series. I would love to do something like that!
 Taylor Lautner
Outsider means "I will accept the possibility that I don't have responsibility for what is happening inside my domain.
 Aleksandar Hemon
I was very lighthearted. This often the way when the abandonment of personal responsibility is enforced: neither wronged innocence or just guilt can seriously impair the sensation of freedom one has.
 Anthony Burgess
Sacrifice, so that you may be saved. You have to sacrifice, not a bleating sheep or a horse or a cow, but your animality, the bestial lust and greed, hate and malice. Sacrifice these and you earn the heaven of unflinching peace.
Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for Satan.
 John Bunyan
There's responsibility, but there's also accountability. You have to be accountable for your actions. You have to stand at your locker when things are going bad.
 Derek Jeter
There was a huge movement that led up to [gay marriage legilization], and I played a small role in the great scheme of things. But it was really a privilege to get to do it.
 Donald Verrilli Jr.
We all join the President in applauding the sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform. But we must continue to provide them the tools they need to accomplish the difficult tasks they face.
 Dick Durbin
The nature of the business is that, once you start proving yourself and the more roles you get, the more exciting the roles that you\'re able to go out and do auditions for, or that you\'re being offered, get. You have more choices.
The nature of the business is that, once you start proving yourself and the more roles you get, the more exciting the roles that you're able to go out and do auditions for, or that you're being offered, get. You have more choices.
 Malin Akerman
Lose this day loitering 'Twill be the same old story, Tomorrow and the next, Even more dilatory. Whatever you would do, Or dream of doing, begin it! Boldness has power, genius, and magic in it. Begin it now.