Duty quotes - page 16

Every individual has to assume responsibility for his or her own actions, even the poor and the young. A social system that decrees otherwise is inviting intellectual atrophy and spiritual stagnation.
Every individual has to assume responsibility for his or her own actions, even the poor and the young. A social system that decrees otherwise is inviting intellectual atrophy and spiritual stagnation.
I will not surrender responsibility for my life and my actions.
 Enoch Powell
Another thing about being live or having power is having power is responsibility. When niggas respect you they respect how you move and what you are capable of doing and they follow what you do.
The Writer's Oath I promise solemnly: 1. to write as often and as much as I can, 2. to respect my writing self, and 3. to nurture the writing of others. I accept these responsibilities and shall honor them always.
 Gail Carson Levine
Make your wardrobe as versatile as an actress. It should be able to play many roles.
 Joan Crawford
If you wish to discern either the presence or absence of integrity, you need to ask only one question. What is missing? Has anything been left out?
 M. Scott Peck
Actually ninety-nine percent of my acting has nothing to do sci-fi or fantasy, I consider it a good part of my acting, and enjoy the roles I play.
 Claudia Christian
When you are faced with choices, you can achieve your dreams without sacrificing your integrity.
 Mary Whipple
I suddenly think the job of acting is a difficult one. It's not as flip, irrelevant and shallow a calling as I thought it was in the Eighties.
 Rowan Atkinson
It\'s an honor to support such a worthy program.TURF aims to protect the integrity of tailgating and to keep game day family-friendly.
It's an honor to support such a worthy program.TURF aims to protect the integrity of tailgating and to keep game day family-friendly.
 Boomer Esiason
Our generation has the ability and the responsibility to make our ever-more connected world a more hopeful, stable and peaceful place.
 Natalie Portman
Great learning and superior abilities...will be of little value and small estimation unless virtue, honor, truth, and integrity are added to them.
 Abigail Adams
All crosses are easier to carry when we keep moving.
 Neal A. Maxwell
If a man's associates find him guilty of being phony, if they find that he lacks forthright integrity, he will fail. His teachings and actions must square with each other. The first great need, therefore, is integrity and high purpose.
I tend to land roles that are somewhat villainous for some reason. Usually, people blame it on the accent.
 India de Beaufort
I can't really connect with things unless they are spiritual in nature, so I have to make acting spiritual for myself, and each role a spiritual journey for me.
 Lynn Collins
We must add our voices to those who cry out that there is a standard below which we will not allow human beings to live, and that that standard is not at the freezing nor starving point....In a democracy all are responsible.
 Hannah G. Solomon
I hope to never stop growing. I hope that with every role I play, I keep adding layers to my craft. I love acting and I study religiously with my coach.
 Eva Mendes
If we successful, we will enter into the history of mountaineering, we will have the opportunity to its success to sacrifice our colleagues.
If we successful, we will enter into the history of mountaineering, we will have the opportunity to its success to sacrifice our colleagues.
 Jerzy Kukuczka
Kindness isn't sacrifice so much as it is being considerate for the feelings of others, sharing happiness, the unselfish thought, the spontaneous and friendly act, forgetfulness of our own present interests.
 Carl Holmes