During the 20th century, we ...

During the 20th century, we came to understand that the essence of all substances - their colour, texture, hardness and so forth - is set by their structure, on scales far smaller even than a microscope can see. Everything on Earth is made of atoms, which are, especially in living things, combined together in intricate molecular assemblages.
 Martin Rees

Quotes from the same author

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
 Martin Rees
I'm a technological optimist in that I do believe that technology will provide solutions that will allow the world in 2050 to support 9 billion people at an acceptable standard of living. But I'm a political pessimist in that I am concerned about whether the science will be appropriately applied.
 Martin Rees
The politics is far harder than the science. And even if we accept the science we have a big issue of how to deal with it.
 Martin Rees
I think all countries need to aim to cut the CO2 emissions per person, taking account of externalities like imports and exports.
 Martin Rees
Some claim that computers will, by 2050, achieve human capabilities. Of course, in some respects they already have.
 Martin Rees