Don't assume, because you are ...

Don't assume, because you are intelligent, able, and well-motivated, that you are open to communication, that you know how to listen.
 Robert K. Greenleaf

Quotes from the same author

Servant leadership always empathizes, always accepts the person, but sometimes refuses to accept some of the person's effort or performance as good enough.
 Robert K. Greenleaf
The quality of a society will be judged by what the least privileged in it achieves.
 Robert K. Greenleaf
Who is the enemy? Who is holding back more rapid movement to the better society that is reasonable and possible with available resources?...Evil, stupidity, apathy, the 'system' are not the enemy...The real enemy is fuzzy thinking on the part of good, intelligent, vital people...In short, the enemy is strong natural servants who have the potential to lead but do not lead, or who choose to follow a non-servant.
 Robert K. Greenleaf
Behind every great achievement is a dreamer of great dreams.
 Robert K. Greenleaf
Not much happens without a dream. And for something great to happen, there must be a great dream. Behind every great achievement is a dreamer of great dreams. Much more than a dreamer is required to bring it to reality; but the dream must be there first.
 Robert K. Greenleaf