Dolphins frequently leap ...

Dolphins frequently leap above the water surface. One reason for this behaviour could be that, when travelling longer distances, jumping can save the dolphins energy as there is less friction while in the air.
Dolphins frequently leap above the water surface. One reason for this behaviour could be that, when travelling longer distances, jumping can save the dolphins energy as there is less friction while in the air.
 Thomas Metzinger

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As far as inner action is concerned, we are only rarely truly self-determined persons, for the major part of our conscious mental activity rather is an automatic, unintentional form of behavior on the subpersonal level.
 Thomas Metzinger
Subjectivity is an ability, the capacity to use a new inner mode of presenting the fact that you currently know something to yourself.
 Thomas Metzinger
If we lose the ability in question for a single moment only, we are immediately being hijacked by an aggressive little "Think me!" and our mind begins to wander.
 Thomas Metzinger
I believe that gut feelings, the sense of balance, and spatial self-perception are so firmly coupled to our biological body that we will never be able to leave it experientially on a permanent basis.
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Whoever loses the capability for inner silence, loses contact to himself and soon won't be able to think clearly any more.
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