Best Discipline Quotes to Help You Stay Focused - page 6

Decades, if not centuries are normally required for people to acquire the necessary disciplines and habits. In Britain, the road [to democratic government] took seven centuries to traverse.
Decades, if not centuries are normally required for people to acquire the necessary disciplines and habits. In Britain, the road [to democratic government] took seven centuries to traverse.
 Jeane Kirkpatrick
The more that social democracy develops, grows, and becomes stronger, the more the enlightened masses of workers will take their own destinies, the leadership of their movement, and the determination of its direction into their own hands.
 Rosa Luxemburg
We've somehow allowed ourselves to think it's okay to neglect and abandon our responsibility to ourselves and to our community. Everything cannot be blamed on the system.
Accountability makes no sense when it undermines the larger goals of education.
 Diane Ravitch
I think freedom of speech is important, but coupled with responsibility.
 Brandon Boyd
From the earliest colonial days [in America], local governments took responsibility for their poor. However, able-bodied men and women generally were not supported by the taxpayers unless they worked.
 Thomas G. West
Having authority implies accountability. If you reject the blame for failures under your watch, people reject your leadership.
We must add our voices to those who cry out that there is a standard below which we will not allow human beings to live, and that that standard is not at the freezing nor starving point....In a democracy all are responsible.
 Hannah G. Solomon
it was love, of course, though I didn't know it then and Finn was both its subject and object. He accepted love instinctively, without responsibility or conditions, like a wild thing glimpsed through trees.
 Meg Rosoff
Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.
Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.
 Josh Billings
We can have peace and brotherly love by accepting our responsibility to preserve freedom.
It is the responsibility of every Christ-centred follower to carve out a satisfying life under the loving rule of God or else sin will start to look good.
 Dallas Willard
The aim of art, the aim of a life can only be to increase the sum of freedom and responsibility to be found in every man and in the world. It cannot, under any circumstances, be to reduce or suppress that freedom, even temporarily.
Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph: a beginning, a struggle, and a victory.
A humankind abandoned in its earlier formative stage becomes its own greatest threat to survival.
Move decisions out to the Cabinet and agencies. Strengthen them by moving responsibility, authority, and accountability their direction.
 Donald Rumsfeld
they thought I had guts they were wrong I was only frightened of more important things
The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.
Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people\'s criticisms, carry out your plan.
Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people's criticisms, carry out your plan.
 Paul J. Meyer
A common lament of the World War II generation is the absence today of personal responsibility
 Tom Brokaw