Best Discipline Quotes to Help You Stay Focused - page 54

When I was a publisher of CNN, I took responsibility for the actions of the network.
When I was a publisher of CNN, I took responsibility for the actions of the network.
 Ted Turner
Sociology and anthropology are not disciplines which take easily to situations where people are able to live out their fantasies, not just in the symbolic action of ritual, but in the concrete theater of society at large.
 Jonathan Raban
God will himself one day hold all humans, and all human governments, to account, but the church has the responsibility in the present to speak words of truth and judgment in advance of that final holding-to-account.
 N. T. Wright
Dryness promotes the formation of flower buds...flowering is, after all, not an aesthetic contribution, but a survival mechanism.
 Ann Zwinger
I made a mistake. I should've had two accounts, one for personal and one for office. And I didn't, and I take responsibility for that.
Liberty has restraints but no frontiers.
 David Lloyd George
Discipline in perception lets you clearly see the advantage and the proper course of action in every situation—without the pestilence of panic or fear.
 Ryan Holiday
Man is abandoned on earth in the midst of his infinite responsibilities, without help, with no aim but what he sets himself.
You can still achieve certain things through effort, struggle, determination, and sheer hard work or cunning. But there is no joy in such endeavor, and it invariably ends in some form of suffering.
It\'s the flock, the grove, that matters. Our responsibility is to species, not to specimens; to communities, not to individuals.
It's the flock, the grove, that matters. Our responsibility is to species, not to specimens; to communities, not to individuals.
 Sara Bonnett Stein
I'm not a control freak.
 Fiona Apple
True science is at length disencumbered of the empirical determinations which had accumulated in the course of many centuries.
 Franz Cumont
Victimization status is the modern promised land of absolution from personal responsibility.
 Laura Schlessinger
A duty dodged is like a debt unpaid; it is only deferred, and we must come back and settle the account at last.
 Joseph Fort Newton
The degradation of our environment is undeniably a direct result of our lack of regard, lack of accountability, and lack of responsibility.
 Nikki Reed
No man will say, "There is no God" 'till he is so hardened in sin that it has become his interest that there should be none to call him to account.
 Matthew Henry
It's not a movie, no private screening This method acting, well, I call that living
 Conor Oberst
No, the thing that makes for greatness is determination, persisting in the right direction over the long haul, following your dream, staying at the task.
 Charles R. Swindoll
Sin with the multitude, and your responsibility and guilt are as great and as truly personal, as if you alone had done the wrong
Sin with the multitude, and your responsibility and guilt are as great and as truly personal, as if you alone had done the wrong
 Tryon Edwards
The Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life's different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship, but to keep her on her course.
 Saint Boniface