Best Discipline Quotes to Help You Stay Focused - page 53

We have a great responsibility. Whatever we make will become the truth, the visual reality that a generation will accept.
We have a great responsibility. Whatever we make will become the truth, the visual reality that a generation will accept.
 James Cameron
Accept love instinctively, without responsibility or conditions.
 Meg Rosoff
Some critics saw fit to say that I was a great actress. I thought that was a foolish, wicket thing to say because it put such an onus and such a responsibility onto me, which I simply wasn't able to carry.
 Vivien Leigh
As far as beauty is concerned, in order to be confident we must accept that the way we look and feel is our own responsibility.
 Sophia Loren
I have been presented with roles with demand not just a physical ability but mental disciplines as well. 'Memoirs of a Geisha' was not so much about physical was much more graceful and contained than that.
 Michelle Yeoh
Man is asked to make of himself what he is supposed to become to fulfill his destiny.
 Paul Tillich
On good teams coaches hold players accountable, on great teams players hold players accountable
 Joe Dumars
Republicans are pushing legislation forward that will improve the effectiveness of and bring more accountability to U.S. foreign assistance around the world and bring democracy even further into the light.
 Virginia Foxx
I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.
 Edward Everett
If not you, who? If not now, when?
If not you, who? If not now, when?
 Hillel the Elder
Once I really started to understand Frank Stella's work and follow it, there's a certain type of invention and playfulness and extreme rigor with which he kept going forward.
 Frank Stella
If you can’t run, walk; if you can’t walk, crawl, but keep moving forward!
Nothing to mountaineering, just a little physical endurance, a good deal of brains, lots of practice, and plenty of warm clothing.
 Annie Smith Peck
There’s nothing better than excelling at a game you love. There’s nothing worse than thinking your accomplishments as a player outweigh your responsibilities as a person.
 Doug Flutie
You aspire to great things? Begin with the little ones.
The difficulty we have in accepting responsibility for our behavior lies in the desire to avoid the pain of the consequences of that behavior.
 M. Scott Peck
Bahaism gives you a pluralistic view, and a lot of aspects of Hinduism give you a moral framework with no accountability other than the karmic system. There's no linear movement or point of accountability toward God.
 Ravi Zacharias
Hillary Clinton wants to run on the historic nature of her candidacy. I will force her to run on accountability for the Clinton way.
 Carly Fiorina
Results show that just one year of chess tuition will improve a student\'s learning abilities, concentration, application, sense of logic, self-discipline, respect, behavior and the ability to take responsibility for his/her own actions.
Results show that just one year of chess tuition will improve a student's learning abilities, concentration, application, sense of logic, self-discipline, respect, behavior and the ability to take responsibility for his/her own actions.
The surest test of discipline is its absence.
 Clara Barton