Best Discipline Quotes to Help You Stay Focused - page 18

Careers in virtually all academic disciplines are fostered by being a superstar who knows more about one subject than anyone else in the world.
Careers in virtually all academic disciplines are fostered by being a superstar who knows more about one subject than anyone else in the world.
 Philip Zimbardo
I'm thankful for the ability to share my faith in a lot of different places. It's something that I take as a responsibility and an obligation to handle as best as I can.
 Tim Tebow
People want guidance, not rhetoric. They need to know what the plan of action is, and how it will be implemented. They want to be given responsibility to help solve the problem and authority to act on it.
 Howard Schultz
Jack Geiger, for example, was a leader of that movement. He was part of Physicians for Social Responsibility, which was kind of one of the ways that I worked my way into social activism in medicine.
Nobody controls me. I'm uncontrollable. The only one who can control me is me, and even that's barely possible.
Don't let fear decide your future.
 Shalane Flanagan
I run my own world, because I very firmly believe that my destiny, my future, is in my hands, and I don't want to blame anybody else for the path that I take.
 Vijay Mallya
Any time you put on the mouthpiece of somebody that you're not, there's a professional responsibility to get it right. I did a great deal of research in both of those arenas.
There's a real danger in the way our representative government functions today. It functions properly only when paired with accountability.
The House of Lords, an illusion to which I have never been able to subscribe - responsibility without power, the prerogative of the eunuch throughout the ages.
The House of Lords, an illusion to which I have never been able to subscribe - responsibility without power, the prerogative of the eunuch throughout the ages.
 Tom Stoppard
Under the interlocking regimes of neoliberal power, violence appears so arbitrary and thoughtless that it lacks the need for any justification, let alone claims to justice and accountability. It is truly as limitless as it appears banal.
We need a return to transparency and a system of checks and balances, to a president who respects Congress' role of oversight and accountability.
The most important point to remember in developing self-confidence is to take responsibility for who we are. This empowers us. We can change anything, do anything, and be anything when we assume full responsibility for ourselves.
 Rachael Bermingham
The fixed determination to have acquired the warrior soul, to either conquer or perish with honor, is the secret of victory.
 George S. Patton
Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.
 William Barclay
We walk around every day not knowing the exact level of risk and benefit associated with most of our actions, yet it remains our responsibility to decide what’s worth pursuing.
 Julie Foucher
It seems to me that a Latter-day Saint parent has a responsibility in love and gentleness to affirm the teaching of the Lord through His prophets that the course of action he is about to embark upon is sinful.
 Dallin H. Oaks
Did we not aid the grisly Taliban to achieve and hold power? Yes indeed 'we' did. Well, does that not double or triple our responsibility to remove them from power?
Forgiving yourself, not guilt, increases personal accountability.
Forgiving yourself, not guilt, increases personal accountability.
 David D. Burns
A nice person is a 'yes' person, whereas a good person is a person who accepts their responsibility in things and moves forward and tries to constantly evolve and isn't afraid to say no or challenge someone or be honest or truthful.
 Miranda Kerr