Best Discipline Quotes to Help You Stay Focused - page 17

I begin to feel like most Americans don\'t understand the First Amendment, don\'t understand the idea of freedom of speech, and don\'t understand that it\'s the responsibility of the citizen to speak out.
I begin to feel like most Americans don't understand the First Amendment, don't understand the idea of freedom of speech, and don't understand that it's the responsibility of the citizen to speak out.
The top priority is leaving no child behind. We want accountability in the system, and we want schools to recognize they have a responsibility to teach students.
 Andrew Card
Poverty, the racial divide and social injustice do not impact only those who suffer most visibly. Alleviating poverty and injustice is a responsibility we must never forget or abandon.
 Marc Morial
Self-sufficiency is both a good and an absolute good.
A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions but by his inaction, and in either case he is justly accountable to them for the injury.
You must personally accept the responsibility of improving your own life.
Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.
 Joyce Brothers
With acknowledgement of residues, we can be more easily prepared to grant the unit of science, the overlapping of disciplines, and the total coherence of all facts.
 Kenneth Lee Pike
Healing of the world's woes will not come through this or that social or political theory; not through violent changes in government, but in the still small voice that speaks to the conscience and the heart.
 Arthur James Moore
I am really enthusiastic about my new council position because part of my satisfaction in life is feeling like I have done something. With this responsibility I hope I can accomplish things for the City of Williamstown and the people.
I am really enthusiastic about my new council position because part of my satisfaction in life is feeling like I have done something. With this responsibility I hope I can accomplish things for the City of Williamstown and the people.
 Barbara Lewis
Vote to protect your family. Vote for honesty, integrity, and accountability.
Be polite to all, friendly to none. Be professional. Be ready to kill everyone and everything.
 Janet Morris
Secrecy destroys accountability.
 Ralph Nader
Because you're running an enterprise with two hundred-odd people, and it's really your responsibility to keep it moving quickly. So you have to know what you're doing, do it, and move on.
 William Monahan
I take full responsibility here and now for everything I experience, for it is my own programming that creates my actions and also influences the reactions of people around me.
 Ken Keyes Jr.
You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction.
 George Horace Lorimer
I will not be able to rule without you. You and I have the same responsibility. I do, as Bolivia's number one servant. Servant - one who serves the nation, not one whom the nation serves.
 Carlos Mesa
What is the next thing you need for leadership? It is the ability to make up your mind to make a decision and accept full responsibility for that decision.
 Sam Manekshaw
I think for acting on stage and in film, one informs the other. Obviously, they require really different kinds of discipline and really different kinds of work. It\'s more along the same continuum, for me.
I think for acting on stage and in film, one informs the other. Obviously, they require really different kinds of discipline and really different kinds of work. It's more along the same continuum, for me.
 Zoe Kazan
The Roman Catholic church... carries the immense power of very directly affecting women's lives everywhere by its stand against birth control and abortion
 Robin Morgan