Best Discipline Quotes to Help You Stay Focused - page 15

Maturity is developed by respecting others and accepting responsibility for violating that respect.
Maturity is developed by respecting others and accepting responsibility for violating that respect.
 Wes Fesler
Ax: 100 Every thing doth naturally persevere in yt state in wch it is unlesse it bee interrupted by some externall cause, hence... [a] body once moved will always keepe ye same celerity, quantity & determination of its motion.
 Isaac Newton
Wealth and honours, which most men pursue, easily change masters; they desert to the side which excels in virtue, industry, and endurance of toil, and they abandon the slothful.
The method of our time is to use not a single but multiple models for exploration.
Without freedom, creativity cannot flourish. The right to freedom is crucial to progress in any society; and the context is having a sense of global responsibility.
Closed doors are a test of our faith. Keep moving forward, being your best, living with determination and faith. When you do, you'll see amazing changes all around you.
I make money because I have to pay for everything apart from my school fees. My mother even makes me pay my own telephone bill.
 Ivanka Trump
I believe that no man who holds a leader's position should ever accept favors from either side. He is then committed to show favors. A leader must stand alone.
 Mother Jones
I represent what I think is a traditional Republican... a limited government, fiscal responsibility, strong national defense, individual freedom and liberty.
 Olympia Snowe
When we speak of peace, we should not mean just the absence of war. True peace rests on the pillars of individual freedom, human rights, national self-determination, and respect for the rule of law.
When we speak of peace, we should not mean just the absence of war. True peace rests on the pillars of individual freedom, human rights, national self-determination, and respect for the rule of law.
Subjectivism is not an absolute principle; it is a necessary but not sufficient condition for sound methodology.
 Murray Rothbard
In leadership writ large, mutually agreed upon purposes help people achieve consensus, assume responsibility, work for the common good, and build community.
 Joseph C. Rost
Any method by which you get to see things that you haven't seen before hones your practiced ability to make connections.
 Stephen Metcalf
The traditional managerial mind-set is an analytical mind-set. It is about creating accountability and defining responsibilities.
 John Kao
Film is a collaborative process, absolutely, but I am a control freak.
 Shane Carruth
Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement.
Cruelty signifies rigor, implacable intention and decision, irreversible and absolute determination.
 Antonin Artaud
Never, under any circumstances, accept a position of responsibility. You will be forced to work harder with no other benefits than a few extra bucks - 'peanuts,' as they say, if that.
 Corinne Maier
It is no longer acceptable to ignore the suffering, and designers must take responsibility for the way that their fur is produced.
It is no longer acceptable to ignore the suffering, and designers must take responsibility for the way that their fur is produced.
Dreams must be steady (Sthir). When dreams are steady, they take form of determination (Sankalp) and when you combine them hard-work, they turn into accomplishments (Siddhi)!